Bowdoin - Is it a good school for undecided applicant -

Can some one tell me if Bowdoin is good for Biology and business.
How easy is it to get to grad school or employment
Thanks indicates that Bowdoin does not offer a business major.

Almost none of the true liberal arts college offer a “business” degree because it’s considered a vocational degree. But that doesn’t mean a lot of people who go to these LAC don’t end up in either business careers or an MBA program. Almost any degree with the right summer internships can lead to a business career and many people expecting to go down that path major in something like economics first.

As for being undecided, Bowdoin doesn’t even allow students to declare majors until Spring of Sophomore year, even if they think they know exactly what they want to do. This is typical of many LAC’s as they want to encourage exploration before settling on a major.

That said none of the LAC’s have nearly as many majors as a major research or state university.

Bowdoin has a great track record with grad schools, medical schools, business programs, etc. As do many of it’s peers.

Bowdoin would be strong for biology:


NESCAC schools generally provide excellent preparation for graduates who ultimately pursue MBAs:


If your interests range to econ, Bowdoin would be strong for that as well:

Bowdoin has an outstanding bio program, very strong in molecular, has significantly expanded its EEB offerings with a marine science semester where students live together off campus at the coastal studies center about 15 minutes from school on the Harpswell Peninsula/ Orr’s Island. You will do the research with the professors, no grad students! While it does not have a formal business program, many students end up in business, consulting etc. There is a very strong alumni connection to the business world if that is what one wants. However if one wants a strictly business school education go to Wharton, Michigan, UVA or such. Bowdoin is a LAC.