Boys State (NC)

<p>I want to attend North carolina's boys state program this summer. I have sent my application, essay and fee to the american legion post, but have not been interviewed yet. Does this mean I've been accepted? If I have an interview, what should I do or say? How hard is it to get in?
How can I increase my chances. I mailed it to Post#1 in Raleigh, not my local one. </p>

<p>Does anyone have experience with the Boys State program, or just the Tar heels (NC) one? What should I expect in the program? How do I get leadership positions if I'm kind of shy/introverted, don't have popular interest, and don't like to talk a lot about my family? LOL</p>

<p>anyone? My interview is coming up soon. How should I prepare?</p>

<p>I'm not an experienced interviewer or anything, but in my interview(it was a group interview not one on one), they asked about our future plans, college, hobbies, sports, etc. There were a few opinion questions, and they said that the opinions did not matter but DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. The question they asked us was do u believe the burning of the american flag is okay? I personally didn't like it, but the kids who answered that they thought it was okay, did not get in(some of their answers weren't bad either). Those same kids also answered in the same way about the pledge of alleigance. So if u hold these opinions, just think twice before u answer. Other than that that's all i have to say, and just relax. They weren't too bad. Of course mine was New York Boys State, so im not sure if North Carolina's will be the same</p>

<p>anyone from the Tar heels state?</p>

<p>bump anyone? ive seen many threads about this topic before... whats going on?!</p>

<p>I got this info about the interview:</p>

<p>"All applicants must meet at American Legion Post #1 Home, Lee Rd., at 10:00 AM on Saturday, May 12, 2007 (alternate date, May 19, 2007) for a group interview period of about one (1) hour regarding the Boys’ State Program. No applicant will be approved as a Boys State Delegate without an interview. Directions to Post #1 Home, Lee Rd., are attached to this email as a PDF file. Parents and guardians are also invited to attend this interview."</p>

<p>does anyone know what type this is or have any experience with this type of interview? what should I do during it? What if they don't sponsor me?</p>

<p>I had my Girls State interview this past sunday, but I live in Maryland and the interview was super-super-SUPER informal because I was the only person applying at that specific post. </p>

<p>Dungja is right - do not express views that seem "anti-American" in the slightest, though. After all, it IS the American Legion that sponsors Boys State.</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>