Boys State?

<p>How prestigious is this Boys State thing? In terms of college applications/admissions</p>

<p>well...i know a kid who did boys' state then went to UPenn. One of my best friends went to girls' state and got into Brown. I doubt it was the single shining activity on their resume, but i wouldn't say it didn't help, either (btw, both students had good scores and had maintained lots of ECs and leadership positions).</p>

<p>Oh jesus, why don't you just search for it? There have been many topics asking this exact question lately.</p>

<p>YES, it's somewhat-pretty prestigious, but it'd help you most at the top universities IF you got some position there (mayor, senator, governor, something like that). It helps quite a bit, but in no way is a hook.</p>

<p>My son was selected. He let the advisor who does the selecting know early that he was interested (at the beginning of the school year). I would think that decisions have been made or at least are in the final interview stages. Your Principal or VP or counselor should know whom the advisor is. It is also important to contact your local American Legion branch and ask to speak with the person in charge of selecting.. the let him know that you are interested.</p>

<p>After all, once you're at BS everyone is in politician mode.. campaigning for offices. So doing to get the nomination is not considered a bad thing.</p>

<p>Good Luck. It's alot of fun and you will learn much during the week.</p>

<p>Yes BS is important, it alone is not going to help you, so make sure that you seek out other leadership awards, distinctions and opportunities... like HOBY Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership (this is also a nominated position by your school during sophomore year), Class/ASB officer, JSA - run for a senator or state level position, etc.</p>

<p>Boy State, for California, is a very competitive program. I know that in my school, the competition was very stiff. So if you go to a competive school, Boy State says a lot about Sacramento!</p>

<p>Boys State can be useful, but as said above, it wont get you IN alone.</p>

<p>wow, grammar mistake, i meant to say
it alone will not get you in.</p>

<p>I found out I was selected quite a few weeks ago; recently I got an invitation to a luncheon in Big Pine or something. So most of the selection should be over by now...</p>

<p>woot for california golden boys state! im so excited!</p>

<p>yeah yeah
OC! =]</p>

<p>Orange county boys state delegate here too! :D go california~!</p>

<p>Hey, just figured out I got in too! NY though. Any Boys State NY people?</p>

<p>Floridian Boys State delegate here! :D Whoot! :D</p>

<p>Girls State? I thought there was only Boys and I looked it up and can't seem to find anything...</p>

<p>anyone want to give me some info on this?</p>

<p>i don't kno specifics, but i asked my friend who did it and she had to go through an elaborate nomination process. then she went to girls' nation, whatever that is. i think you can google it (the ultimate solution to everything).</p>

<p>My school used to go Boys' State and Girls' State every year, but then they decided to do each one every other year. Last year it was BS, and this year it's GS. I got screwed over I guess. :(</p>

<p>You should do Boys State for the experience - not because it will help you get into college. My son did it last year in NJ, initially with very little enthusiasm. He got very involved and found the experience to be "life changing". He is considering volunteering in the program in the future.</p>

<p>How do you apply to Boys State? Or are you invited first?</p>

<p>You have to be invited.</p>