<p>I was supposed to have an interview today with a Brandeis alumnus but it was rescheduled to due power outages related to recent weather issues etc.</p>
<p>I was wondering if someone could help me prepare or give me tips. I have been told to dress conservatively, know what kinds of questions will be asked, and have had a mock interview with my guidance counselor.</p>
<p>Should I bring a resume or something with me? I haven’t submitted my application (RD) yet so the interviewer doesn’t really have any information about me…</p>
<p>Bring a resume, and be very outgoing without being overbearing. You must show that you have a personality, and can interact with people. Do some research about Brandeis and different clubs, so you can drop names like “I really want to get involved in Community Service, and I know Brandeis’s largest club is the Waltham Group, which exists solely for community service.” Or, “I’m very interested in the 5 year MAIEF that Brandeis offers.” As far as questions go. Definitely have some in your back pocket, but the number one best question I think you can ever ask, because it shows deeper thinking about the commitment of college, and forces your interviewer to think themselves, is: “How did Brandeis adapt and change over the four years that you attended?” You’ll be surprised on how much they’ll tell you how their alma mater changed in different ways (probably all positive). Just make sure you show interest, and that you’re social!</p>
<p>How should I format the resume?
I have a resume that only has my current job and a previous volunteer experience…</p>
<p>Oh wow, that’s a great question to ask, thank you! :D</p>
<p>Can someone please tell me what I should put on a resume to bring to an interview…?</p>
<p>My opinion: put things you did from high school on: </p>
<p>your school (can put gpa if it’s great);
<p>The point is for whoever is reading it to get a clear, quick glimpse of who you are. Resist the temptation to put TOO much info in it (for example, don’t list all your challenging classes, just put “Such & such High School, Honors Program student” or something like that (IF that is the case, obviously). Try to stick to one page.</p>
<p>PROOFREAD! - No puctuation or spelling errors!!</p>
<p>And finally, I wouldn’t worry too much about this. From what I saw, the college interviews are pretty informal - this isn’t a career interview with IBM (do I date myself with that analogy?). Be yourself. I do recommend having two or three questions ready ahead of time that you can ask the interviewer about the school. (However, try not to betray that you haven’t looked over the basic stuff online!)</p>
<p>Thank you for your help hanaviolet! 
Should I still put what honors courses I have taken? Do you think it is unnecessary to include test scores (they are good)?</p>
<p>Hi cricket123. In my opinion, you could put test scores since this is for a college interview. I wouldn’t do it for a job application …unless it was for a test prep position
. And I would only put them if they are very high.</p>
<p>I also think you <em>could</em> put your honors course, particularly if it doesn’t start to add too much information. You know, try to put yourself in the reader’s shoes, realizing that they need to get a clear concise picture of the candidate without too much superfluous information (that just makes it harder to read and absorb quickly). So if you want to fill out the resume a bit, that could be a good tool to do it. </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
Haha yeah, I definitely wouldn’t put test scores on a resume for a job interview.
I think, as to honors, I would jsut write how many honors and/or AP courses I have taken or am currently taking throughout my high school career.</p>
<p>Do you think I should do the same for an on-campus interview?
(I’m going to do some college visits and maybe have an on-campus interview this weekend).</p>
<p>Yes, definitely, bring it with you, and offer one to the interviewer. They may or may not study it in depth, but they’ll probably think you seem like a together & organized person.</p>
Great! Thank you. :)</p>
<p>I have a few more questions:</p>
<p>Do you think I should put my intended majors on my resume?</p>
<p>Would “what one thing did you not like about Brandeis while studying there? In your opinion, has this issue been sufficiently addressed?” be a good questions to ask? (I know it could definitely be worded better.)</p>
<p>Hi cricket123, I would sorta thing <em>don’t</em> put your intended major on the resume? Everybody says college students’ intended majors usually change, so even if your doesn’t, the resume readers will probably discount it. If you have a hobby that reflects your interest in that intended major, that could be a good lead-in when you have the interview - you could bring it up & chat about why you are into that subject.</p>
<p>Regarding the question, I think that is an excellent way to get at good information. If it were me, I would probably phrase it so that it sounded more neutral, like “What did you love most about Brandeis, and what did you wish were different?” And then after s/he answered, I would ask whether that had been improved. It seems like they might be more honest if they didn’t feel defensive or accountable (like an “on the record” feeling - that can be uncomfortable).</p>
<p>Anyway, I hope you will post how the interview went!!</p>
<p>Okay. Thank you so much!!</p>
<p>I like how you rephrased he question. I hope you don’t mind if I use your version. </p>
<p>My interview is this Wednesday and I will definitely let you know how it goes.
thanks again for all your help!!</p>
<p>1 more question(maybe)…
I live a block from the cafe where we will be meeting… Do I really need to arrive 10 min early anyway?</p>
<p>Oh. And I’m worried the interviewer won’t be able to find me if that makes sense… We’ve never met before. Should I just approach anyone that may be my interviewer? (to be honest, I googled them so I know what they look like…) (is that wrong to do? Googling them, I mean.)</p>
<p>Don’t mind at all! Good luck, don’t worry, and have fun - I’ll look forward to hearing about your interview!</p>
<p>Oops, didn’t see #16. I would say, yes, arrive 10 minutes early.<br>
Now that you mention it, I wonder how my son found his interviewer when he met at a cafe…? But you could always let them know that you’ll be wearing a certain color jacket or whatever, your hair color, etc. And don’t be afraid to approach them.
In this scenario, a case could be made that Googling their image was indeed the responsible thing to do, so that you could find them efficiently ;)<br>
- but really, that is the world we live in - I don’t think it’s wrong, but your generation does seem to have standards regarding internet “stalking” that seems to be assumed rather than questioned…but that is a subject for another time.</p>
<p>Thank you! :)</p>
<p>Any last minute tips?</p>
<p>Also, I can’t decide on what to wear. My options are:
A. a black and brown striped sweater dress that comes down to my knees and tan boots.
B. a dark gray pencil skirt that comes down to my knees, a nice top, and boots.</p>
<p>One more question: It’s raining; Is it okay if I wear boots?</p>
<p>Hi cricket123! Best of luck, have fun 
The sweater dress sounds really cool, but both sound nice; and boots are perfectly acceptable - health and safety first!
Let’s see, last minute advice…</p>
<p>be positive (no complaining about teachers, parents, or other students, for example); </p>
<p>and avoid mentioning bad habits such as procrastination
<p>express your love for Brandeis - specifics are good if you have them, for example, a certain unique program - also, generals: the general feel/culture of the place;</p>
<p>be yourself - this is a cliche, but just keep in mind that this is a friendly person, so you don’t have to censor who you are…they are predisposed to like you and let <em>you</em> know what they love about their alma mater;</p>
<p>online you sound like a charming, sincere and likeable person - so I’m sure you’ll have a great interview on your end (and hopefully your interviewer is also a good one!)</p>
<p>Best to you!</p>