Bridge Scholars

Hey everyone,
I was just admitted to CC and also selected for the bridge scholars program. The program website said students were selected based on first-gen/general economic situation, which is interesting cause I don’t really fit that category. Regardless, does anyone else have any more information on it, because it looks amazing!

I’m a first year and I was in the bridge program. I can honestly say this program is the main reason I have a large friend network - bridge kids really stick together throughout the school year. It’s a great way to sample what the block plan feels like and gives you a great network of people before the chaos of the new school year. It IS mostly minorities and low income students that get invited, but there are a handful that are there for the opportunity to attend a free class for credit (and get paid for it - big bonus). Bridge takes students around Colorado Springs and the campus so that they can get a better feel of where they’ll be living. They took our bridge group zip-lining and to Garden of the Gods, as well as coordinating lots of events on campus. All of these events are completely free. I still talk to the vast majority of the people in my bridge class. In my experience, most bridge students are down to earth and just as nervous, driven, and excited as everyone else. No matter your vibe, there’s people that you can connect with. I REALLY urge you to sign up for it.