Brigham Young University / other online colleges?

Hi all, Currently in my 3rd year at UIC, and I’m looking for online colleges that have advanced courses in economics, psychology, and biology that I can take this summer and transfer back to my university. My school advises the use of transferology to see if courses will transfer over and if they don’t I need to provide the syllabus for the course to see if the material covered matches whatever I am trying to replace.

Back story, I’ve run out of funds / no means of transport to take physical classes at Northeastern or Harper College. UIC courses are pretty expensive, and since I am working 3 jobs, I don’t really have the time to physically take classes. If I don’t take any course this summer though, I increase my chances of not graduating on time.

Let me know! I’ve been searching / hunting all around but so far no luck. If you have any links to any lists that would totally work. Please share your experiences :slight_smile:

Further info on me, I’m pursuing a dual degree in Neuroscience and Economics. Pretty far along, I just need Econ classes past intermediate micro and macro, research statistics / higher level psychology courses. Any higher level bio classes would be awesome,but those are super hard to come by.

It is too late for you to transfer any classes. UIC generally prohibits transfers once you reach 60 hours. You need to talk with your adviser.

I’ve already discussed transferring credits and it is still possible. The 60 hour limit refers to transferring credits from a 2-year CC. I can still transfer credits from other 4-year universities / colleges. I clarified this with an advisor before I made this post, so I know it is still possible.

As an update I’ve applied to OSU’s ecampus as there are a few courses I can take there. I like Brigham Young’s structure that allows you to essentially “buy” a course outright and then complete it within the year. Are there any other universities (physical / online) that offer / use a similar model?

Colorado State and Penn State offer online bachelors degrees in both economics and psychology. I am not familiar with their transferability.

You might also want to look at University of Maryland:

Northeastern CPS.