British English ?

<p>When i write my essay and i spell some words in British English - for example colour instead of color,favour instead of favor , will i be penaliSed ?</p>

<p>You shouldn’t be.</p>

<p>You won’t be. Jeez, don’t you understand how “holistic” scoring works? lol</p>

<p>I am asking because at school i ve been learning British English and it is possible to spell words like these in British English.</p>

<p>Will people be penalised if they use some British and some American spellings in the same text? In other words, do they have to stick to one type of spelling?</p>

<p>I think that as long as you don’t accidentally slip into other languages you should be fine… unless they’re okay with that too.</p>

<p>Look, you have to realize that a grader won’t spend more than one minute on your essay. They won’t go through it and pick at your use of British English. Seriously, I misspelled the first word on my Oct SAT essay and I got an 11.</p>

<p>If someone who is interested to know what does he’/she need to get a 12 on the SAT essay</p>

<p>==>2 full (ok almost full) pages
==>strong thesis and appropriate examples
==>5-6 sophisticated words & phrases</p>