"Bro" Culture

<p>I just have a question about the culture at Wisconsin.</p>

<p>Is there a lot of "bro"/preppy type culture at Wisconsin? Not necessarily just in frats, but is there a large presence of the more clean cut kids who like to party, wear brands like Vineyard Vines, dress nicer on occasion. It would be really helpful if you could let me know.</p>

<p>I am looking for a school with a lot of this kind of culture that is not deep in the south.</p>

<p>It would also be helpful if you could evaluate the same for Michigan, Illinois, Ohio State, Penn State, Maryland, and Pittsburgh. Thanks so much!</p>

<p>I sure hope not!</p>

<p>Madison fits the classic large state school stereotypes. Same with the other schools. So whatever there is in a normal large state school, Madison will have it. In guessing there will be a fair amount of people like you.</p>

<p>Start with the KK and move on to Brats or Wando’s. Bro ( and girl bro) central. Link is a little PG-13</p>

<p>[The</a> Badger Herald: ArtsEtc.: Hook up at the KK](<a href=“http://badgerherald.com/artsetc/2004/04/23/hook_up_at_the_kk.php]The”>http://badgerherald.com/artsetc/2004/04/23/hook_up_at_the_kk.php)</p>

<p>The article is from 2004.</p>

<p>Nothing much has changed at the KK. Article is PG-13</p>

<p>[The</a> 100 Best College Bars for Bros - BroBible.com](<a href=“http://www.brobible.com/college/article/100-best-college-bars-bros-2/page-3]The”>http://www.brobible.com/college/article/100-best-college-bars-bros-2/page-3)</p>

<p>clgfive, I’m sorry, but you will find a healthy “bro culture” at any of the schools you listed. They’re big. They’re state schools. They attract a lot of the prep/bro suburban types.</p>

<p>Go Greek. Seriously. It’s exactly the atmosphere you’re looking for. Not all the frats are as you describe or want, but you’ll gravitate towards the ones that are.</p>