Broadcast Journalism/Business

<p>My daughter wants to double major in broadcast journalism and business but can't decide on which school to pick with only two weeks left to go! The best choice would be Syracuse/New House, but she has heard a few negative things and won't get in front of the camera until her senior year so she is shying away that school. It looks like her list has dwindled to Pepperdine University (which is a little far since we're from the east coast), Elon University, American University and George Washington University (location and intership opportunities seem to be good at both AU and GW). Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Hey, I am sort of in the same path as your daughter. I am double majoring in Mass communications and global business but I am in Florida. lol. I have done some research about NYU and they have a great opportunity in which you can get a masters in both communications and business. She should definitely look into it. I am not 100% sure if when it states ‘‘it takes three years’’ it’s solely the graduate course-work, or if this also includes undegraduate. But definitely look into NYU. It’s a great school, great location, and I honestly wish to attend it…</p>

<p>My d is on that path as well as dozens of her friends. The Daily Beast put out a list of useless majors and journalism was number one. Very depressing. </p>

<p>The new paradigm, however, is to major in a particular field and minor (if the college allows) in journalism. Print is going away, and today multi-platform journalism is the only way to go. You have to know all: print, radio, tv, digital (social media) and some photography. If you are an expert in finance, law, sports, entertainment, poli sci, science, you have a better chance at getting a job than a generalist.</p>

<p>It’s going to be very difficult for our kids, and if you look at the top journalists and anchors, the majoriity of them did not major in journalism…Katie Couric, Oprah, Anderson Cooper, Erin Burnett, Mika Bryzinski, and many more. You really have to pave your own way and make a name for yourself. It’s also a low paying field too : ( </p>

<p>We switched our whole list around based on internships as well. Northwestern was always a top school, but when we saw residencies (internships) in Qatar and South Africa, my d quickly shifted to schools that offer internships in NY, LA or London. And she added schools with no journalism majors. It’s tough today for sure.</p>



<p>Maybe the average journalist has issues, but those who are superior might not have problems ;). That was always my plan, be a #1 journalist and I won’t have issues, ha.</p>



<p>Or double major. Journalism and International Affairs or Political Science is what I’m planning to do.</p>



<p>Luckily we do it for the love of writing, not money :)</p>

<p>I’m not trying to beat down what you’re saying, it’s all true. I’m just trying to make myself feel better about going into a field that’s going away. My dream is to work for The Washington Post…who knows, but journalism is the only career I could see myself having, so I will just have to do my best.</p>

<p>CE527M, I totally agree with you. If you love what you do, and have that passion that can’t be tamed, you will do will. Why not work for the Washington Post? It’s your dream, and my money says you’ll achieve it! Best of luck to you!!!</p>

<p>Thank you :), I’ll do my best. Unfortunately, I can’t control the rest of the world and make them read a newspaper. But, I’ll work hard and try to be the best journalist I’ll be, and see where life takes me.</p>

<p>As a Northwestern student, I can say definitively that you don’t have to go to Qatar or South Africa for your journalism internship. Most students work in New York, Chicago, LA or San Francisco. Some go to Latin America. You must not have looked very hard into the program.</p>

<p>chethaze, this is where the broadcast/video residencies are that they list…the site is misleading: Most kids generally will want to work in LA, NY or London or a big city in Europe or possibly in Australia (the furtherest), but the cities in between are really not attractive compared with the locations offered by other journalism programs. If you want to work the smaller markets, then that’s a good option. </p>


<p>Al Jazeera English

<p>Circle of Blue<br>
Traverse City, Mich.</p>

Sioux Falls, S.D.</p>


Topeka, Kan.</p>

Fargo, N.D.</p>

<p>MSNBC/Rachel Maddow Show
New York</p>

<p>News 8 Austin
Austin, Tex.</p>

<p>6 News
Lawrence, Kan.</p>

<p>Picture Show Films

<p>Towers Productions

Clarksburg, W.Va.</p>

Quincy, Ill.</p>


Topeka, Kan.</p>

Lansing, Mich.</p>

South Bend, Ind.</p>

Green Bay, Wis.</p>