<p>hey guys,</p>
<p>I just got the following email from stony brook, and here's the opening paragraph:</p>
<p>"I am delighted to learn of your admission to Stony Brook University and send along my personal congratulations. As one of a very select group of high achieving students, you are invited to attend a special event: </p>
<p>Brookhaven National Laboratory Tour"</p>
<p>I looked up the laboratory, and it's pretty impressive, but the tour is the day before the admitted students day, which means that I would have to spend an extra day down near stony brook if I wanted to go on the tour. Has anyone else been invited to the tour? Has anyone been on it? Would it be worth the extra time to attend?</p>
<p>Yeah, I got the same email. Sounds pretty cool I my opinion, and I’m probably gonna do it, if only because I really want to eventually do research there if I go to Stony. So I think it would be worth it. The fact that it’s the day before the Admitted Students day is either convenient or annoying depending on where you live, but maybe you could schedule one of those overnight stays for that Friday night?</p>
<p>Yep, I’ve been invited. I’m so going.</p>
<p>I was invited too but I cant afford the airfare
when you got the official letter in the mail was there an attached invitation because it says there was supposed to be but I can’t find it…</p>
<p>^ I had the same problem, there was no extra RSVP slip or anything in the letter, but I think there’s an online RSVP. Sorry you can’t afford the travel =(</p>