Brown, Cornell, NYU, UIUC..

<p>...Wesleyan, UVA, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>I'm applying for reaches because I want to get into a good school - I'm already at my "target"/ "safety" - studying Arts and Economics at the University of Western Australia.</p>

<p>I plan to transfer next year (enrollment Fall 2011).</p>

<p>Uni Grades (tough load - taking native speaker french... :S)
Last semester GPA~ 3.2U
This semester (just got marks) GPA = 4.0U</p>

<p>HS Grades (~3.25W)</p>

<p>ACT: 32</p>

- Tennis honors from winning inter-school cup, continue to play at a high level (State Men's Division 1)
- Have won giant slalom ski races, also achieved level 2 instructor
- School prefect
- Mentor for younger students at school
- Was public speaking captain of my house
- Fluent in french (after 6 months living in France)
- Volunteer surf lifesaver for 3 years, including becoming an instructor for younger upcoming lifesavers
-Treasurer for Economics and Commerce Society </p>

- Was a tennis coach for 4 years
- Ski instructor for the past two winters
- Worked as an intern for an MP in the British Parliament
- Worked as an intern for African Governance Initiative in London (writing about this for my app.)</p>

<p>Good rec's from jobs held.</p>

<p>Not applying for financial aid.</p>

<p>My bad grades from last semester at university was due to being mistakenly diagnosed of a terminal cancer (5 years to live :S).. I will put this in the additional details section.</p>

<p>Essay is about my passion for development economics / politics and how it has been enhanced by two internships.</p>

<p>hoping to (double) major in any of the following:
Political Science,
Development studies…</p>

<p>bump… although it is only midday in the us :)</p>

<p>i feel like i’m talking to myself :smiley: anyone?</p>

<p>i just need to know if i have /any/ chance…</p>

<p>i just realized HS grade is not correct - it was actually 3.4UW, i don’t know why i put 3.25W… tiredness kills, people.</p>

<p>Grades are way too low for you to have a shot at transferring to those schools.</p>

<p>@billabongboy so there is no chance whatsoever? not even at UIUC, UVa or NYU?</p>

<p>Anyone else have any opinions?</p>

<p>I feel as though my HS marks are coming back to haunt me! Gah if only i knew what i wanted to do all those years ago…</p>

<p>Your collegiate GPA isn’t helping your case either (the 3.2).</p>

<p>that was last semester when I was in and out of hospital… this semester I got a 4.0.</p>

<p>Your list is extremely top heavy. If you’re intent on transferring, look into less selective schools.</p>

<p>to be honest, my list wasn’t initially this top-heavy. I really, really want to get into brown since they have development studies - something I would love to study. So then I decided meh, if you’re gonna apply for brown you might as well add some other reaches.</p>

<p>I guess the ones I’m serious about are Brown, NYU, UIUC, Vandy and UVa. </p>

<p>And yes - I know my chances are slim - but I’m hoping a good essay will move the focus from my mediocre hs grades to other areas in my application (which I consider quite strong).</p>

<p>anyone else? </p>

<p>maybe some LACs?</p>

<p>i appreciate everyone’s help and will offer virtual hugs / hilarious youtube videos (i have a collection)</p>

<p>bump? bump?</p>