<p>Indian Male in West Virginia
SAT: 1530/2330
ACT: 35
SAT IIs: Math I and II 740
GPA: 4.159 weighted, roughly 3.8 UW
Rank: 15/359
uncompetitive high school in WV with minimal APs
self studied Psychology AP</p>
<p>Secretary of Key Club
Master of Games Latin Club
Co-Founder of Quiz Bowl Team
Founder/President of Laughter Club
Honors Program
Speech and Debate Extemporaneous Speaking Captain
Varsity Ultimate Frisbee all four years</p>
<p>Regional Math Field Day
AP Scholar
Governor's Honors Academy
Boys State
200+ Comm Service
100+ hours in research (worked in lab with DNA mutation and organotransitional metallic substances)
multiple 1st places in Speech and Debate
Indian Semi-Classical Dance (14 years)</p>
<p>one fantastic rec, one decent rec
counselor rec was great...she knows me very well</p>
<p>essays were superb in my eyes...talked about my passions and growth during high school.</p>
<p>Chances for Brown, Dartmouth, Northwestern, Duke, Carnegie Mellon, WashU, and Emory</p>