<p>I'm looking to do a one-week course, and I've just about narrowed it down to these two, along with Presidential classroom. If anyone has been to any of these camps, or two or three of them, please tell me how it was. Or, if there are other camps I should consider, that would be great too. Thanks.</p>
<p>bumpy bump</p>
<p>I (daughter using my parentals’ account, too lazy to get my own) went to Presidential Classroom my sophomore year, and it was completely amazing. I can’t recommend it enough! PC is the best quality of all the “week in DC” programs. I went to a different one during the Inauguration this past year, and everything that WASN’T the inauguration didn’t hold a candle to PC.</p>
<p>Also, if this means anything to you, I met some of my best friends in the entire world at PC. Just last week I got in mondo trouble for talking to one of my PC friends until 4 am. XP</p>
<p>Hope that helps your decision, and that you enjoy wherever you end up going!</p>
<p>Also, if you go to PC, then Chet Edwards (D-TX) and a whole bunch of other DC bigwigs will love you for the rest of your life and give you internships and other nifty things like that.</p>