Bryn Mawr vs Smith

I’m currently trying to figure out where to apply for ED II - either Bryn Mawr or Smith. For reference:

  • My other top choices are Middlebury and Hamilton
  • I’m interested in majoring in Anthropology, Literature, and/or Math
  • Obviously, I’m interested in the academic performance and the professorship of these schools but more frivolously, I care about the social climate, campus food, dorms, and snowfall (the more the better)
    Please weigh in in any way you can to help me escape my personal echo chamber :slight_smile:
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I think you will see more snow at Smith.

For brief, subjective comments on Middlebury and Hamilton in the context of comments on other liberal arts colleges, see post #7: Struggling with D21’s List. ED & ED2: Amherst, Hamilton, Wellesley, Vassar .

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My daughter is a first-year at Smith and is loving it. Smith has an open curriculum, is loan-free in its financial aid awards and has an amazing amount of financial support for students pursuing research or internship opportunities. The house system is incredible, offering a range of housing options and a strong sense of community. My child’s dorm room has a built in window seat and super high ceilings.

My daughter was selected to be a part of the STRIDE program at Smith, which pairs first-year students with a faculty member to work on collaborative research. She is currently at a national conference in DC where she is meeting legislators and attending workshops in grant writing. She and her research partner are the only first-year students in attendance.

Her social life is great. She has made a lot of friends through her classes, playing a club sport, participating in student government, and in her dorm. She goes to parties at UMass, Mount Holyoke and Amherst sometimes but other times she hangs out on campus and in Northampton with her friends. Northampton is a really cool town with lots going on.

The food services department is short-staffed this year (as it is in many places) so there are some complaints about dining options, but my kid loves the food so far.

I grew up near Bryn Mawr and now live near Northampton–there will be more snow for sure at Smith.

These are both terrific places. Everyone who goes to Smith seems to love it -with good reason. Strong academics, good social life, lots of school spirit, and Northampton is the best. Bryn Mawr’s relatively strength are its academics. It’s a very studious place with very serious students. As for the weather, you will get more snow in Northampton, but you might be happier there in the fall and spring. So, my thoughts would be to favor BM if you are leaning toward academics and perhaps towards Smith for quality of life. Sorry if I didn’t help make the decision any clearer, but with your background and interests you will probably do well at either school. Best of luck,

Aging Smithie here. re: snow – I believe Smith still has “winterterm” (January break) where you can stay on campus or stay home and thus avoid the worst weather (but if you’re from Buffalo, like me, January in Northampton is like being in Miami). I loved the house system and the professors there – the right mix of challenging and supportive.

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