BS Class of 2020 Thread

@itcannotbetrue: ChoatieKid attended a session of Navy’s rowing camp junior summer and loved it, but I think those sessions are full by now. For anyone else looking for a rowing camp next summer, Navy runs three session per summer, has Olympic facilities, and top-notch staff. Kiddo would highly recommend it even if the rower has zero interest in the service academies.

Driving will start next spring/summer (16 to get a permit here). S20 is at a day school so expect it to be a little different experience than S17 who was away.

GK1: No dating. :D/ :D/ Little reading. Lots of eating. More Netflixing. Video editing. Beach with family. Lake Tahoe with a school friend. Volleyball camp. Summer job. GK2: Lots of reading. Algebra camp. Crew camp. XBox. Road trips. Mama: Back to NYC. Chicago. Other places. Interviews. Presentations. Two dogs. :o3 :o3 One cat.

@choatiemom --Yes, I saw the Navy rowing camps and was (ha ha) particularly interested in sending her there as they were 1/2 the price of the illustrious Stanford camp that she chose to attend. I rationalized the $1100 for four days price tag with the lack of a plane ticket needed to get her there. Personally, I can’t see rowing on the cool, often foggy SF Bay as a perk, but she was dead-set on it. :slight_smile:

In other news, happy to report that DC #1 is doing phenomenally well in Summer Community College courses and just joined the ranks of their Honors program at 16. Thank goodness!

^ Yay @itcannotbetrue! Awesome!! Really happy for you and your son!

Summer update: Carpoolkid1 is really getting ready for college, as evidenced by the growing pile of stuff in our living room. Work at a local camp and prepping for/stressing about the college dance team are taking up the rest of her time. Carpoolkid2 LOVED his week of classroom drivers ed (who knew?) and his 1 week of Java camp. He is halfway through his 4 weeks of a combined camper/leadership program at an all boys sleep away camp. I love that he is cut off from technology (and dating) while he is there. The break is good. However, I babysit his school mail and have snail mailed him communications from his coach and the music director AND he had to miss a big competition his team qualified for in his secondary sport. So…mixed feelings. Probably the last year. Sports training/camps in his primary and secondary sports, Java camp (part 2) and summer school work await his return so hopefully he is having lots of fun and some downtime in his home away from home!

SculptorKid got into illustrating Marvel characters and Python programming. Then she went a week long meditation retreat wit my wife, and is now visiting a BS friend in China.

@carpoolingma My DD goes to sleep away for 4 weeks with no technology as well and I LOVE it…except for that pesky part where I miss her so much, especially now that she’s gone most of the year!

Happy Mid-Summer to everyone! Weird question: We will be driving up to VT over Fall Long Weekend via 91 and 89. Can anyone tell me which colleges are closest to Route 91 in MA? I see that Amherst, Hampshire, and UMass are not far off our itinerary, but am I missing any others? Thank you!

@itcannotbetrue Not too far away are the colleges in Worcester like WPI, Holy Cross, Clark.

Mount Holyoke…


You’ll be near Dartmouth in NH.

Thanks to all. We just went to a “Colleges that Change Lives” college fair out here and stopped by the Hampshire and Clark tables. Hampshire I completely get: very liberal, design your own major, no standardized tests for entry, part of the Five College Consortium. Can anyone give further insight into Clark? Thank you!

Clark also has a design-your-own-major progressive vibe, small friendly community, nice campus but a bit more urban setting

Thanks, @chemmchimney

Near Hartford are Conn College and Trinity but not sure they are on your route?

Also near Hartford is Wesleyan.

I was always going to support whatever college major dd will choose. But I have never imagined me actively trying to convince her to try art schools, until now.