BS/DO General Thread

Thank you. Any relevant information would be helpful. Trying to learn as much as possible about this program.

I am not sure how they select. My Daughter has 1520 SAT score and high gpa weighted and good EC’s.

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Applied to few BD MD didn’t get through to any one. Applied to two BS DO programs. Got selected to both of them.
LECOM ( we have few UG colleges -leaning towards Syracuse)
Since Syracuse has EAP option too

Don’t know exact requirement for BS DO (SAT and GPA)

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Hi are you still considering NyITckm.can you Dm me .My D is in same situation.only concern is Nyitcom long island campus is good but no dorms

We are going with LECOM

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Thank you

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Anyone in the group going to NYITCOM?

Anyone attending NSU for their BS/DO program?


I would say that my stats were on the lower end for a BSDO. I had a 3.76 UW GPA and a 34 ACT, I took 13 IB classes, but in my interview and my personal statement (sent to SBU) I had shown a lot of passion and the true reasons why I wanted to go into medicine. I believe that is what got me in.

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This is great. Thank you for replying. Congrats and best of luck!

A 34 ACT is very high for BS/DO programs considering that the average ACT score seems to be between 29 and 32 (or between upper 1300s and upper 1400s on the SAT).

A 3.7 unweighted GPA is average for BS/DO programs.

You are very qualified for most BS/DO programs as well as some less competitive BS/MD programs.


In general, most people getting into BS/DO programs have between an upper 1300s and upper 1400s SAT score, and have a 3.8+ GPA.

For extracurriculars 100-200 volunteering hours, some shadowing experience, some clubs, and community service should be enough. Getting some medical research will add to your application, but most people don’t have it.

Your extracurriculars should demonstrate interest in medicine and osteopathic medicine.

You are exceptionally informed for 10th grader (seriously)!

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Speaking from my sons experience, i would hesitate to call any bs/md programs “less competitive”. while some like brown plme is more selective than say some state bs/md programs all very competitive.


do we lose the spot in NYITCOM if we apply for MD through traditional route.

Regarding the SAT score, I am not 100% sure that this is true anymore. It may have been true about 3-4 years ago. At least 3 people on this thread has students with SAT scores in the low 1500’s and one person has an ACT of 34.

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You may be right, but the following question comes to my mind: were applicants with lower stats rejected or they are just not in this thread?


I am very interested in BS/DO and BS/MD programs.

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