BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences

Hearty congrats to your daughter @grtd2010!! Glad to know she did very well at Temple and is on to her MD path!!

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Bingo, you hit the nail on the head
that’s why so many top schools don’t have BS/MD options. Its only mid-low tier who wants to attract top talent that otherwise won’t be attending their UGs by throwing MD carrot

Thanks and congratulations to your DD on her matriculation to NJMS.

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Congratulations and best wishes to your D. Felt few common things about Ds and family situation on reading your post. Still pursuing the goal to provide service more than other aspects. My D also not thrilled about getting up to take exams with 2 hours behind in time zone and she is not happy we named her which starts with A and invariably she is the first to take any exam in early hours.

Agree, it is harder for families with no connection to medicine or network especially in the current Covid situation.

A UCLA student with 517 MCAT and 3.85+ GPA started (& stopped) applying in May in the current cycle and decided to take a gap year since did not have any shadow hours. He called y’day and told still he is struggling and not sure if he will be able to apply even in next cycle since not seeing the light to get a shadow opportunity.

Not only students are wearing headset all the time, after students complete MD the only way they can understand or listen is only when the speed is 2 or at the best 1.5. Since so much to listen to lectures for the given time when learning courses.

Take on Step 1 P/F. A. Students can not underestimate the efforts to prepare for Step 1 just because P/F based on my observation. B. It will be holistic similar to admission, based on courses grades (though most schools it is P/F), AOA, Shelf exams during rotations (never talked but will play a key role), Step 2, Interviews.

Stats for both MD and Residency cycles clearly indicates the number of colleges student apply is significantly high. Especially for residency cycle since the both time and cost is so short, now with virtual it is not uncommon if some one applies 50+. Even if Covid is under control to some extent virtual in some form will continue and hence student will end up applying more.

Waited all these years and finally bought a new car just to park under the tree in the apartment complex. Storage cost is steep, I meant apartment rent! Add icing to the cake, we pay $2+k for insurance to make sure no leaves or nuts crack the car!

Humor aside, nothing to complain, still we are all blessed to be with our students who are focused and where we are. There are so many who are struggling to meet the ends. Hope they get a break in 2021.


So nice to hear from you @GoldenRock!! I remember meeting your daughter at OU and am not at all surprised that she is driven by service, going by her modest, calm and kind personality!

Best of luck to our kids as they wade through the challenges of MS1 during CoVid. And yes, we and our kids are lucky to be where we are and are privileged compared to those that have to deal with unprecedented hardships meeting even basic requirements during these surreal times.

Many parents and kids wondered if they should even go into medical field now that they better understand the health and life risks associated with the profession. Mine, and I’m sure most kids represented here, realized this is exactly why they’re drawn to medicine. Best wishes to us all to get to a better 2021!!

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This year cycle has something called ‘Fauci Effect’ and applicants (yes, its not a typo) are up by 18%, go figure that out.

I have to disagree with you on this. In fact what you say is true for BSMD applicants i.e. HS students since most get the opportunities to connections. As per traditional path, most students do shadowing, volunteering and research at their UG school or near by. Most T20 UG schools have medical schools and they have programs to provide shadowing and volunteering opportunities. So BSMD is more cooked for those with connections than traditional path.

Even though my wife was a physician she couldn’t get him clinical volunteering since her hospital was strict about age and she didn’t want to pressure anyone since BSMD is not top priority for him (or us).

That could be but I am pretty sure she can get him clinical volunteering in college when age is not an issue. That does make a difference, and increases confidence in being able to pursue traditional path.

As a comparison, my older kid had been trying for clinical volunteering and research every summer she came home during UG, and with our non-existent contacts, we epic-failed in helping her in any meaningful way. Not that she minded too much, because she did have the advantage of being a BSMD student and getting those opportunities facilitated at the UG and thus relaxed with us in summers.

It helps to have an advantage, either through BSMD, or through connections, though I am sure there are many that made it to top colleges without either.

D found all medical related ECs opportunities by herself in the area surrounding several medical schools. She did find funded research opportunities via school’s URP (Undergraduate Research Program). she did not have 1000 hrs of ECs except for research done during summers.

Again what’s the need to do clinical volunteering in home city? My kid didn’t do any at home in 3.5 years since he had every thing available at Vanderbilt and spread it out during academic calendar . First two summers he was hardly at home, he went abroad for research and public health project funded by scholarships
 he did some shadowing locally since wanted do check more specialties.

Haven’t heard from you since this post. Did you DS apply this cycle?

DS got two more acceptances, home school and another home state school.


Wow, keeps piling up
To my knowledge only 40% gets acceptance through traditional route. And only 20% gets more than one acceptance. Its a nice feat in environment where traditional applicants went up 18% this year.


Yeah, I was trying to PM couple of members but showing privare.

Are you able to see if folks can DM me? I want people to be able to reach me.

If you make your profile private, it may not allow DM from others.

Thank you @PPofEngrDr!

I’ll throw in a guess for UCLA

running out of options now

Oh, I thought state schools. Yes, then my second one is Stanford.