BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences

He can PM you and you’ll be able to reply.

thanks for the explanation :wink:

But collegeconfidential does delete them. I codulnt find my DMs from prior years.

Yes, old ones are deleted.

@Undecided3494, you interests in history and health care management are similar to what my daughter is wanting to pursue. I am new to CC, would you mind letting me know how I can get in touch with you? I would love to take your guidance to help her chose the right school for her interests.
Thank u


  1. After 15 posts you will can send personal message (PM) to any one in this forum. He can reach out to him to know more about Union/AMC and BS/MD.
  2. You can also post any questions in the public forum and there are so many parents & students who have gone thru BS/MD and Regular route MD may share their perspective and pointers and it may address some of your questions.
  3. If your D is passionate about History, let he choose that as major. Some BS/MD programs allow any major but many force to do specific major. But in regular route, of course she can choose History for sure.
  4. Management degree either MPH or MBA or Healthcare Mgmt offered in many schools and most of them will extend MD from 4 years to 5 years with few exceptions.
  5. Certainly Union/AMC gives that combo.
  6. She can also explore if she is interested in Medical History major. I think there are 3 Universities offer including OU.

Thank you for your advise. We will research more on this.

It’s so nice to see familiar names here for years. Congrats to All the acceptances! we know that BSMD candidates are all those top students, they’ll have med. school acceptance without gap year. With few of your advice, our daughter is doing very well in her 2nd yr in BSMD with Orgo 2, chem and Physic 2, straight A so far. She is debating to take Biochem next Fall. She doesn’t have to take MCAST but she will graduate 1 yr early (AP credits) should she use that year to study for MCAST to prepare for her med school. If she decide to take MCAST, just to see where she is at. Would that have any impact on her med school acceptance if her score is not that high? Hope everyone is staying healthy and thanks for your kindness!

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  1. If your D plans to continue into BS/MD, they why there is an interest to take MCAT (Not sure what is MCAST?), especially if that BS/MD does not have a req to take MCAT?
  2. If she plans to apply out, then it makes sense to take MCAT. Here again, best to prepare and take it once rather than take just to know for the sake of it.
  3. Is the program mandates to matriculate to MD only after 4 years of UG? If not is it not considered to do after 3 years. If yes, it is best to use the gap year for whatever she likes, volunteer/leadership or masters or UG scholarship studies in US or abroad or take up a job to make some savings.

You’re #1! she plans to continue BSMD, not planning to apply out. She knows MCAT will help her in med school, her program doesn’t require it. If we get back to normal, Fall is her study abroad and taking BioChem in next Spring. She’s not able to start med school until her acceptance year. She’s love to get MPH but 1 yr might not enough time and admission require experience. Her PH intern didn’t work out because of Covid. Thanks so much for helping!

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How will MCAT help in medical school?

it’ll help with USME test, reduce stress during med school.

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I am not so sure about it given step 1 is P/F now. However, nothing wrong with taking the test. your child can do full prep and do practice tests and see how they did without taking actual test.

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Would it not require a consent from your D for MCAT score to be sent to her BSMD medical school ? All MCAT scores (if taken more than once) are available to medical schools if one is applying via regular route MD.

Thanks for the information! I saw most of you in the forum but I didn’t see Upstream. Hope he’s doing ok!

My high schooler has applied to the OUMHSP, and I was wondering if you could share why your daughter did not continue to OU medical school?

She got UTSW which had few distinct advantages (primarily low tuition fees, minor ad like direct flights to Dallas).

To be clear she is thrilled with OU and made a conscious decision to pursue OU MHSP before she joined then (5 years back) and even now today (if she has not got UTSW).

She is so happy about her UG experience at OU and OU SOM has all specialties and there is nothing to be concerned about OU MHSP.

She is not a extreme picky person to care much about rankings nor about specialty (even now she has no idea what she plans to do). Mentioning since there is so much talk in the BS/MD thread about rankings and specialty.


That makes it easier :slight_smile:

Hi there,

We are a bit nervous about upcoming match day on 3/19.
I will update and share some tips and thoughts on BSMD programs after the match.


I’m happy to see Upstream response. Good luck with the best match on 3/19!

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