Bucknell Class of 2027 Official Thread

good luck with the others!

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thank you! they seem to waitlist a lot of qualified applicants :woman_shrugging:

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My son also waitlistedšŸ™„ They say in their waitlist info that about 1000 students have been placed on waitlist and traditionally 10-60 kids offered admission from that list, so looking like a long shot.

My daughter was accepted with a Presidential Fellowship.
Civil Engineering major
Southern NJ Area
3.98 UW
1510 SAT
7 APā€™s


My DD is in the same situation. 4.0, leadership, AP and Honors, dual-enrolled

Same here. D23 got in with ZERO Scholarship. I look at this and sayā€¦they want you but not really. If they wanted you there would be merit scholarship. I found it remarkable that they claim average debt of $30k upon graduationā€¦ on a COA of $83Kā€¦per year. By the time graduation comes it will be $350k!!!

Needless to say, We are closing the Book on Bucknell and will look to one of the other schools my D23 was accepted to. BTW, the other schools (with the exception of our State School, averaged about $30k in scholarships.


If your daughter decides to attend Bucknell, she will indeed love it. My son is a freshman now and an engineering major. The program is definitely exceptional.


Bucknell is definitely on the shortlist! Just waiting couple of more schools. Thanks for the info.

what is the presidential fellowship?

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This is directly from Bucknellā€™s Financial Aidpage:

Does everyone on the WL have the offer to apply to Verto program in London or Seville? Any experiences with it?

Asked the same question here the other night, and didnā€™t see any response, so maybe not. DD was offered the verto option. I canā€™t find any info online about verto to Bucknell specifically (lots on verto generally though). Wondering if itā€™s a newish program? DD is considering it.

Thanks for the reply. I did see that W&M also uses the Verto program. A friend just did this in Florence in the fall and loved it and had a great transition to beginning first year on campus in January. We will wait and see what other options she has, but keeping it on the table. Good luck!

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Same here. And great to hear about the other studentā€™s experience in Florence! Good luck to you :slight_smile:

My daughter received exactly the same offer. I wonder where that puts them on the waiting list? Is your daughter considering it?

My daughter is considering it strongly. Still waiting on a few more RD schools the next week or two, but it seems like a really good option.

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Received an acceptance but no merit. Have received much better offers of merit at other placesā€¦some as much as half off of tuition. The price for this school is no-go. The endowment is HUGE!!

With no merit and an $83,000 price tag, daughter can do better. This isnā€™t worth it.

My daughter got into the Freeman School of Management, weā€™re surprised but thrilled. Anyone else? She got big merit awards from other schools - has anyone tried getting Bucknell/Freeman to match? Any thoughts/insights super helpful.

Is freeman harder to get into?