Bucknell or Virginia Tech???

<p>I recently got accepted to Bucknell, Virginia Tech, Miami, and Babson for some form of Business Management. Not really looking at Miami or Babson because of some internal family reasons. So this leaves me with making a decision between Bucknell and Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>I am instate for Tech and would cost about $25,000+ per year. Bucknell would cost me near $58,000K per year and I am still awaiting some financial aid from them. My family is torn between both schools primarily because of the tuition costs. This leaves me with the question, Bucknell or Tech? Thank you.</p>

<p>Wait and see the financial aid before you make a decision.
According to US News, V Tech has an average percent of need met of 69% and Bucknell’s is at 95%. So just wait, maybe the prices would suddenly change.</p>

<p>I, personally, would go for Bucknell, but mainly because I like small class sizes and liberal arts colleges.</p>

<p>thank you! if i could get a few more opinions, that’d be great. BUMP</p>