<p>I was accepted into both Virginia Tech and University of Miami and I am have a difficult time deciding which one to go to and just wanted to see what some people thought.</p>
<p>I live in North Jersey so I would have to fly to Miami if i went there and I would just drive to Va Tech. I plan on majoring in Biology and also be in a Pre-Medicine program. VT is cheaper but i have also heard that UM is a better education. I've visited both and loved both a lot, probably preferring the VT campus a little more. Just wondering what some people thought about this decision and if you can give me some insight. </p>
<p>Thanks in advance!!</p>
<p>Finances a concern or not? Beyond the initial pricetag year 1, UMiami tuition increases are much higher year over year than VT.</p>
<p>Finances are a concern but only if it’s an astronomical difference between the two… with the scholarships that i received, theres about a 10,000 dollar difference right now with Miami costing more obviously</p>
<p>If you are serious about doing pre-med, I would say save your money for medical school and go with the least expensive of the two. My guess is if you like VT now, you will love it once you are a student there! Besides, you’ll more use out of your winter coat and boots if you go to Blacksburg!
Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies! I appreciate it.</p>
<p>Finances aside, what do you think about school vs. school academically, location, student life, etc?</p>
<p>Miami is a stronger school</p>
<p>Hello fellow jets fan, i too live in nj. Uh concerning your situation id probably go with vt, save the money and go to a school more engineer geared also you liked it more which is good. But if you think the U is the right fit then talk it over with your parents and go from there.</p>
<p>VT is an extraordinary school that will serve you extremely well. There is a huge benefit to the teaching methodology there as I prefer the polytechnic approach to learning especially for STEM majors. There is also added plus that in an emergency you can get home in a day.</p>
<p>I don’t know anything about Vtech. My S is a freshman at U of Miami on the pre-med track. Let me say both he and I love the school. They are very student oriented and with a freshman class of only 2100 students, there are many small classes and it is easy to interact with professors. They have excellent pre-med advising and it is very easy to get research, volunteering, and shadowing opportunities. The school has an excellent pre-med reputation. He studies hard, but in his free time he finds plenty of things to do (such at go to the beach!). You won’t go wrong at Miami.</p>
<p>thanks! i appreciate all the responses!</p>
<p>Living in Virginia, I have a lot of friends who have gone and are going to Virginia Tech (I’m applying next year!) and they have all loved it.
They offer several amazing programs and academics aside, they have a Division I football team that will be exciting to watch when you want a break from studying, haha!
Anyway, Virginia Tech is a great campus, beautiful. Academically, they are also great.
If money is important, I would say go to VT so you could save up for medical school (I’m also thinking if pre-med studies! (:). If you wouldn’t mind, Miami may be better.</p>