Burke East or West

<p>So I know that I want to live in Burke, but I’m not sure if I want Burke East or West. Does anyone have any input on this? Are they the same? And are there any particular rooms that would be best? For example, in some dorms, the corner rooms are slightly bigger, have more closet space, or an extra window. I would appreciate any input or advice, and would love to hear everyone’s opinions. Thanks!</p>

<p>I’m not sure which one has the dining hall, but I would choose that one.</p>

<p>Good questions! Hope someone will answer!</p>

<p>Hey folks…</p>

<p>Which Burke Hall has the Dining Hall? East or West? </p>

<p>I believe that same hall has a C-store and maybe other options.</p>

<p>I thought they were connected at the base by the dining hall?</p>

<p>They are indeed connected by the dining hall.</p>

<p>The primary difference between them is proximity (within the building) to different features. Buffalo Phil’s is closer to East, the downstairs laundry room is closer to West, and there appear to be more community kitchens in East (Floors 3, 4, and 5, as opposed to Floor 2 in West). Burke dining is squarely in between. While I have never lived there, the dining hall is my favorite on campus because of the atmosphere and generally small lines. Whichever tower you live in, trips to the dining hall in your PJs are quite convenient, and based on my friends who have lived there, they will happen often.</p>

<p>Sorry I couldn’t be of more help… I don’t think a lot of Burkians frequent CC, but it’s definitely a nice place to live!</p>

<p>More info: [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/halls/burke/]Student”>Burke - Housing and Residential Communities)</p>

<p>Oh, for some reason, I thought that the two halls were across the street from each other. So, the halls have the dining room in between?</p>

<p>ahh…just checked. for some reason I thought martha partham hall was mary burke hall west.</p>

<p>Thanks yall! Any opinions on buying a TV for the room? I know in Burke, the tv goes where the vanity/mirror is and I’m not sure about wasting that space. Thanks again!</p>


<p>If I were buying a TV for my kid’s dorm, I would buy one of those small Vizio flatscreens that has built-in WiFi. So nice!!!</p>

<p>I bought a small one for my kitchen. So nice to have WiFi built in…and super reasonably priced at Sams Club.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.samsclub.com/sams/24-60hz-led-wifi-1080p-hdmi-wifi/prod9270118.ip?navAction=push[/url]”>http://www.samsclub.com/sams/24-60hz-led-wifi-1080p-hdmi-wifi/prod9270118.ip?navAction=push&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There are bigger ones as well…check for the wifi! Great for NetFlix or whatever.</p>

<p>AFAIK, Burke WEst has always been all-female. Burke East, when it was built, was all female too, but when I was in school (1970-74) it was all male. It’s either all male or co-ed now. No difference as far as distance.</p>

<p>Burke and Parham are pretty much mirror images - each has two towers connected with dining area and other facilities. When I moved into Parham, in Sept. 1970, there was a weekend snack bar in Parham. By second semester it had closed forever. I don’t know what they use the old dining room area for. We crossed the street to eat at Burke. They used to have co-ed pickup volleyball games at Burke in an area outside. Met some swim team members at those games!</p>

<p>My S lived in Burke West last year, and I believe the 2nd and 3rd floors were male and the 4th and 5th floors were female. He liked the location and the dining hall in Burke. He had a TV and didn’t miss the space as Burke closets are huge and there are lots of drawers as well.</p>

<p>Closets are huge? He must be in a remodeled room. My closet in Parham was about the same size as the Tutwiler closets - a double door with space on top behind a couple more doors, and a middle chest of drawers. I thought it was tiny, and I didn’t have that many clothes (and back then, they were much smaller!).</p>

<p>Swimmers still in Burke East I think. That is where my DS is headed</p>