Burke Traditional Style Dorms - reviews needed

We toured Burke a few weeks ago. We liked how it had a dining hall in the building. We are trying to save money and the traditional dorms are $3200 less than the suite style.

Any reviews good/bad of Burke?

Thanks in advance!

My daughter didn’t live there but a girl from her high school did, and she loved it there. She had initially wanted Tutwiler, but after living in Burke she said she was really happy she ended up there.

Thank you! Happy to hear that!

We have a friend who’s daughter lived there this year, she was very happy there.

Matha Parham is identical to Burke except it’s all female (AFAIK) and doesn’t have a dining area…but hey, Burke is right across the street. It also backs up to sorority row. Rooms in Parham and Burke are, in my opinion, a tiny bit bigger than Tutwiler.

Burke reminds me a LOT of the very traditional, older dorm I stayed in during college in the 80’s…(except Burke’s bathrooms offered more privacy which was a nice surprise)…with the attached dining hall and the cement walls and no frills. The dining hall was completely redone 2 years ago and is very nice. My son really liked that, and he liked being close to the quad and to most of his freshman year classes. However, he ended up becoming friends with more people over on the north side of campus (Ridgecrest, Riverside) and transferred to Blount for second semester. I think Burke and Parham would be very good options for a girl who plans to join a social sorority.

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions. My son is happy to save the $ and live in a traditional dorm. He found a roommate through the portal and they both want Burke. Hopefully it works out! Thank you!