I am a high school junior. I get good grades, a mix of A’s and B’s, but it hasn’t always been that way. Freshman year I had a solid C average, so every grade I get is very important. I’ve been feeling burnt out lately and I need help.
First of all, let me get something out of the way. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. I take medication which stabilizes my mood but makes me very tired.
My classes this year are(in order of most difficult to least difficult)
Dual Enrollment Anatomy and Physiology I(a five credit college class)
Creative Writing 2( lots of work, my magnet school takes arts very seriously)
AP Language and Composition
Algebra 2 CP
Chemistry Honors
Vocal III
US History Honors
PE 2
I love learning but the busy work is tedious and I find it hard to focus. I am very involved in my writing extracurriculars and I work a part time job. Its really bothering me that I can’t stay focused in class and while studying because I’m used to being the smartest kid in my class. I need help- anyone else with anxiety, how do you manage schoolwork? My grades aqre starting to slip!