Bush At Annapolis Today

<p>Major address on Iraq policy.</p>

<p>Guaranteed applause.</p>

<p>DESERVED applause.</p>

<p>The 1/c must be steaming mad. When I was there, Bush the Elder showed up and it was a collosal PITA. All our cars had to be relocated to Hospital Point. What a mess THAT caused!</p>

<p>Oh, well. That's what happens when The Man arrives...</p>

<p>Another funny--our high school had to call the academy today--mess up on paperwork. The lady was getting quite miffed as she couldn't get them to answer the phone. Finally, someone did and explained! Slightly more important things going on in Annapolis today...</p>

<p>Wonder how long it took to wake them upthis morning?</p>

<p><a href="http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/051130/480/mdcg10111301415%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/051130/480/mdcg10111301415&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>That's nothing. I fell asleep on my feet one night on the midwatch. Fortunately, my relief showed up about a minute later.</p>

<p>DAMN that was a long day! :mad:</p>

<p>Get this: the mids had to be in Alumni Hall by 8:30 but the speech didn't start till 9:45. No wonder they used the time so wisely!</p>

<p>We had to depart in order of companies every 4 minutes to go through medal detectors and 25th company didn't leave until 8:20, meaning it sucked real bad for the first companies since they got there even earlier. The only things we were allowed to take were our IDs and a camera. I felt asleep too during the speech because it got so redundant. Blah those photographers had no idea what we go through.</p>

<p>I knew it. What a PITA that must have been.</p>

<p>Hurry up and wait. There's a standing order somewhere about that. I'd have fallen asleep, too.</p>