Business Administration in... Accounting vs Finance vs Economy???

<p>So I've been looking into getting a degree in Business Administration. The reason being is because I want to get into management possibly. But I've also heard business degrees don't tend to do so well in the real world. So i was wondering if i should get a degree in Business Administration with a focus on either Accounting/Finance/Economy. Is it a better path to do that or is it better to get a plain degree in Accounting/Finance/Economy? </p>

<p>I am currently enrolled in Saddleback College in California, but I'm aiming to transfer to Cal State Fullerton. But I'm planning on moving to WA after I'm all done with my Bachelors Degree. And i was hoping to get a job with maybe Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, Kirkland, or even Starbucks if i have to. </p>

<p>Please Help, i want to try and figure this out as soon as possible. Thank You :)>- </p>