Business - buying a computer?

business students - what’s your favorite laptop? does the macbook work with all the business software or is windows the way to go? Also what is the software necessary for your laptop?

Many people (myself included) feel that Excel and Quickbooks work better on a PC. You’ll also find that most of the business world has stuck with PCs. (The notable exception here: most designers, though not all, seem to use Macs.)

That said, I’m a Mac devotee. I got my Macbook Air new in 2013, and I expect to use it for another 5+ years. I’ve had exactly zero problems with it to date (hardware or software). I’m willing to deal with Excel and Quickbooks, even though it’s frustrating at times. However - if I had been buying a laptop specifically for business school, I would have picked a Pro over an Air. Mine was purchased when I was first starting college/wasn’t sure what I would do, so I chose the lighter/more portable of the two.

No matter what you pick, being proficient in both is worth it. Inevitably, you’ll buy a Mac and get a job where they exclusively use PCs, or vice versa. :slight_smile: