Business Clubs - General club info.

<p>I am looking to get into the business school at Madison and i know its important to be involved in accordance with "the Wisconsin Idea", so im looking on information on some good business clubs or any clubs for that matter. How can i find a club that is my style? Is there some kind of a club fair?</p>

<p>Also if anyone has any tips on the best possible way of getting into the Business school i would love to hear them... Thanks</p>

<p>I would check out the club fair this fall to see what’s out there. It’ll be happening September 13/14 I believe in the Kohl Center. Lots of different club will be representing there so you should be able to find a variety of business oriented clubs. Just sign up for mailing lists and they will email about kick off events.</p>

<p>Join Badger Business Buddies - meets twice/month, you have an upperclassman in the B School as your mentor/partner. Interesting sessions on what not to wear, writing your B School application essays, meeting various requirements.</p>

<p>There is also a business fraternity - but it has a very high level of commitment with more frequent meetings and required volunteer hours.</p>

<p>Go to the Student Organization Fair and visit the booths for business school student organizations.</p>