business law in UM?

<p>Can someone tell me how strong UM's business law department is. According to this businessweek ranking (Top</a> Undergraduate Business Schools by Specialty - Businessweek), UM's business law is in the nation's top 10. However, since the methodology of this ranking is by "surveying more than 85,000 students at more than 100 top B-schools and asks them to rate their program's performance", I'm not sure whether this ranking can be considered legitimate. Anyone here majors in Legal Studies? </p>

<p>In addition, can I ask whether I can find jobs with an undergrad degree in business law, or do I need to attend law school? I mean, though I plan to attend a law school, I must take into consideration the chance that my grades may not qualify and the chance that I can't find any scholarship. Therefore, I want to make sure that even without going to a law school, I would still be able to find a job with this undergrad degree. I'm wavering between the International Finance and Marketing major and the Legal Studies major and I would be happy to listen to anyone's opinion on this matter. Thank you (:</p>

<p>not surprised to hear business law is highly rated because the faculty in this department is excellent, although i agree students ranking their own schools generally creates biased results that can’t be trusted. and from what i’ve heard you’ll probably need to go to law school to pass the bar but it’s likely there will be some other legal-related jobs available without grad school, not positive on this though.</p>