Business Living Learning Communities

I’m a prospective Ag trying to decide if I should participate in an LLC this fall semester. As a business student, I’m trying to look for an opportunity to be surrounded in the dorms by other people in my major and receive academic support (tutoring, study groups) when needed. Is there a specific LLC that has a real business-oriented community with these benefits, or would I find it more fulfilling to join business-based clubs?
Thank you.

Try not to get caught up on where you live. Business clubs are great as well as just your classmates in those general business classes at lower level (eg: acct. 229, istm, mgmt 211 etc.). You will find people to study with for sure. I don’t think Mays has a LLC, but I’ll look.

No business LLCs, but check out the link to see that there are many LLCs that may fit you based on other things than major.

Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate it a lot!

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