<p>Reach: Cornell CALS (AEM and Undecided), UVA, UMich(Ross Preferred), Emory
Match: UNC (In between Reach and Match b/c they pick only 1% International students),
UMich LSA, Boston College
Safety: Wisconsin Madison (priority pending), Illinois-Urbana Champaign (accepted
-Business), Indiana Bloomington (accepted, Kelley-pending) </p>

<p>SAT 1 1970:CR: 540 M:800 WR:630 (9)
2040:CR: 600 M:710 WR:730 (10)
Superscore:CR: 2130 CR: 600 M:800 WR:730 (10) </p>

<p>ACT: 25 not submitted....</p>

<p>SAT 2: Math 2C:800
Chem: 620...
Korean 800</p>

<p>GPA 94.xx/100 UW Class Rank not provided but expecting top 10% (specifically 7%)
Catholic School in Boston with approx 141 students in my class
NO AP SCORES before the application, but 4 AP in my senior year(Stat,BC CAL,Chem,Econ)
+7 honors class</p>

<p>Work Experience : 2008 Tokyo BigFoot International Statoinary Exhibition Korean-English Translator (4days)
Service Hours: School Tutor - 60-70 hours
Korean School - 200+hours
other small services-30 hours
Beatbox (6yrs) twice in school talent show + Top 16 in Daum Korean Online Beatbox Championship
Math Club 3yrs (OK scores in AMC)
Spoken English 3yrs - Senior Leader
Ping Pong 3 yrs
Soccer Varsity Team Manager- 2yrs -Made 2nd states last year and 3rd round this year.
Soccer Freshmen Team Assistant Coach-1yr
A Capella -one of the first member of the club. Interested in continuing Acapella
in college too</p>


<p>Cornell and UVA are reaches
UNC, UMichigan, and Emory are low reaches to matches
Wisconsin Madison is a safety</p>

<p>To increase your chances Iā€™d take the SAT again, this time to increase your CR and writing scores.</p>

<p>bumppppp again!</p>


<p>Cornell: High Reach
UVA: Reach
UNC, UMich, Emory: Low match
Madison: Safety/In</p>

<p>Hope you wrote some good essays, they would certainly help in your situation. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Cornell - High Reach
UVA - Reach
UNC - High Match
UMich - High Match
Emory - High Match
Madison - Safety
Wisconsin - Safety</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;