Chance ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<p>i want to go to Emory, U Penn, BC, UVA, Georgetown, & maybe Ivies?
-4.0 GPA unweighted 4.4 weighted
-5 AP courses so far and I got a 2 in US History and hopefully 3s and 4s on the rest of them
-6 more AP courses next year
-1740 on SAT's... i know, horrible, but i can probably get a 1900 if I work harder
-i may take the ACT and get a good score cause I'm good at those types of questions
-President of FBLA
-Treasurer of Debate
-in Spanish, Ski, NHS, and NAHSS
-did Cross Country 9th,11th, and 12th (next year)
-did Tennis 10th, 11th, and 12th (next year)
-did Track 9th & 10th
-summer program @ northeastern w/ internship in business field
-hopefully a summer program this summer
-i will get a job soon</p>

<p>***oh, and is it better to go to Emory and U Penn w/ an undergrad business program or like Yale and Dartmouth w/o one... if I wanna get a job in finance?! </p>

<p>please respond............................................</p>

<p>umm Upenn is an ivy too…
and of course it’s better to go to a prestigious undergrad business program such as Wharton, than to not go to one if you’re 100% sure you want to go into finance. </p>

<p>The ivies and georgetown are reaches.
low-reach for UVA if you’re in-state, otherwise reach.
Emory looks like a low-reach/high match
BC looks like a high-match/match</p>

<p>no offense, but emory, upenn, all the ivies, and georgetown are all really high reaches…your sat scores are really weak, even a 1900 is weak for all these schools…, need at least a 2150 to be compeitive for any of these schools…</p>

<p>are you applying as a recruited athlete, because then it might be different…</p>

<p>the rest of your application is good…</p>

<p>I don’t know about the other schools…</p>