Buy books now or wait?

<p>I’ve heard conflicting recommendations. Should an incoming freshman purchase now online or wait til classes start in case professors don’t intend to use all the books listed for their class section? Will used books be available to purchase if we wait? What’s the best way to proceed?</p>

<p>It’s really personal preference. I’ve always purchased in advance so I could order from the cheapest source and have them shipped before the 1st day of classes. So far in 2 years, son has never had a book listed that was changed or not used by the instructor. So, that’s what works for us. I just feel more comfortable with son having books before classes start as there will be assignments given the first week, sometimes the first day. Others have commented that they have experienced last minute changes in books or that there were books listed that weren’t needed and prefer to wait. It really just comes down to which option you’re more comfortable with.</p>

<p>We’ve paid less when we purchased in advance. My D is a rising junior and also has never had a book listed that was changed or not used. The one book we had a snafu on wasn’t listed but D contacted the professor and he gave her incorrect information. Fortunately both that book and the “real” one were older editions and very inexpensive, no more than $15 combined including shipping when we got them online, as opposed to on campus. </p>

<p>Just keep in mind if you purchase from Bama’s bookstore… You only have 7 days to return any unwanted textbooks for a full refund. So, you might consider buying the needed supplies but don’t open any packages until you have gone to the first class and confirmed that particular item being needed. The bookstore will buy back books for much less, but may not buy back Quia codes ( even unopened).
Be sure to check the current return policy before you pay. </p>

<p>I always purchased in advance from sources like Chegg. If you wait too long the prices can double or triple for the book(s).</p>

<p>Half of my classes haven’t even posted books yet. It’s sort of frustrating. </p>