<p>How do you find out what books are needed for your classes. Also, do people tend to buy their books prior to classes (like on Amazon) or wait till they attend class first?</p>
<p>1) google ‘Boston College bookstore’</p>
<p>2) Yes and/or</p>
<p>3) Some do</p>
<p>The bookstore generally lists books on its site in advance - they often have the ISBNs. Go to their site and take a look - you don’t necessarily have to buy from the bookstore.</p>
<p>Shop around online! The bookstore tends to be overpriced.</p>
<p>The bookstore is the only place where the required books for each class is listed… and they are in bundles, not lists of books. Is there a way to see the exact books in each bundle? Otherwise, there’s no way to compare prices :/</p>
<p>Go physically to the store (the large on in mac) and you can find all the books by class - there are labels on the ceiling I think that say English, Chemistry, Biology, etc. You can write all the books down that you need!</p>
<p>The bookstore website should list individual books. The url is bc.bkstr.com.</p>