BWMT 2019

Hiya! I’m currently a senior in high school, I’m auditioning for the Feb 10th date for Baldwin Wallace. I’ve never had a lead role ever except once for a straight play this year. This probably sounds stupid but does that affect my chances of getting in at all?

Your audition is what counts, not your HS roles!

@artskids is right… the audition is what counts! Break A Leg!

My son is on a wait list just for an audition slot on 2/24/19–last we checked, he was 20th on the list :frowning: Does he have a prayer of getting an audition?? I’m thinking no…

@pegski thats a tough one, my D auditioned in November and they told us that normally only 1 if any would come off the audition waitlist. I would definitely focus on the other schools unfortunately.

Update! Son got a call on Thursday for the Sunday audition! Scrambled for plane tickets, friends in the area played host and uber driver for him as I was working all weekend. He had an amazing experience and LOVED the school. he knows the odds are still against him, but what a great audition day they put on!

We never made it off the waitlist