<p>lol this is shoot off from my other thread about schedule conflicts</p>
<p>for any of you who have taken courses with this program, how was it?
do the courses show up on your high school transcript? how much work is involved? (i'm taking either german 51 or 53)</p>
<p>and comments in general would be nice</p>
<p>oh yea. the math is good. and its cheap. it SHOULD show up on your transcript.
its pretty easy if you know what you’re doing.</p>
<p>I just finished Hist 61 (Eastern Hemisphere) as I’m skipping 9th grade history. It was realllly easy. I did it in 3 hours and got a 92 in it. I’m waiting for the final. They’re good classes, one learns a lot.</p>
<p>yea you can go through them pretty fast. without skipping material. if you’re good at self studying.</p>