C in Chem 104

Recently enrolled in the summer term here at UW as a special student, hoping to transfer at a later date. I enrolled in Chem 104, and Cac 1 at a nearby community college, plus I am currently working. Being used to taking 18+ credits per semester at my normal U with a part time job, I thought I could make this summer work. I scored above average on all labs and recieved A’s, perfect attendance, 99.3% overall on all homework. Unfortunately, the tests I struggled with a great deal, and knowing my admission to the U possibly depended on this course grade, I panicked and over-thought my final exam, even with two weeks of tutoring sessions and 14 hours of studying. Final grade seems to be stuck at a C, and an AB in calculus.

I’m worried there’s no way I will be able to go here now due to this, and I wasted a summer studying everyday instead of enjoying myself for a not so great grade. Should I talk to admissions about this? I understand they do not make appointments for students. Or just wait and see? Had a 3.81 for the past year and a half before this, which will probably be dropping down to a 3.63.

Why would you talk to admissions??? You took Chemistry at an excellent place for it- a lot more content than you probably are used to at an average college. The UW Chemistry department Is also known for Chemical Education so regardless of who taught the course it likely was well enough done. It is also known to not be easy.

Perhaps you are best off staying at your current school. People who take AP calculus often start with first semester calculus at UW as there is more to it than the AP course- UW’s version could be harder for the next course in the sequence for you. Perhaps you have spent enough time, money and mental energy trying to transfer and should now forge ahead where you currently attend college.

The AB is a good thing, I hear math is harder than chemistry at UW. I don’t think admissions will tell you anything until you apply and they accept or deny. A C is not the end of the world. As long as you maintain good grades elsewhere at your current school, I would expect some understanding with respect to the C.

The AB was at community college, though, and not UW-Madison.