Final transcript/ Rescind chances

Hi all,

I currently have a C+ in AP Calc BC, would I get rescinded if it was a C+ for final quarter grade? The term ends next Thursday and the best I’ll most likely get it to is a B-. I have all As in other classes like AP Bio and environmental science and CIS Gov. Should I be worried or am I fine?

Also, the reason my grade is so low is because that class is honestly super hard

You are fine – you send your final transcript, which presumably shows the second semester course grade, not the quarter grade. And a B- (or even a single C) will not lead to rescission. Just keep focused, do your best.

Don’t worry at all. My son blew off too much of his senior year final semester but did fine in the UW Honors Program. Your HS record becomes ancient history, btw. Also- do as well as you can on any upcoming AP exams as your score can matter for getting UW credits.

@wis75 has a good reminder about staying focused for AP exams – my UW student wished that he buckled down and self-studied for some AP science classes (he was in IB) so that he would have had at least some science credits coming in as a freshman to lighten the breadth requirements.

Thanks everyone! I’m much less worried now

Also- remember the more you learn now the better your knowledge and skills foundation will be for college. This will make it easier- less to learn when covering material later. Even if you can’t get the grade you want try to finish strong, with good study habits.

I am freaking out a little bit about rescinded admission as well. I have A- in 3 classes an A in one and B in another but am getting a C in AP Chem honestly just because its a really difficult class. How poor do your grades have to be to rescind your admission?

Multiple D/F grades

One C won’t get you rescinded at UW.

Don’t worry.