C Senior Year?

<p>I’m taking 5 AP classes this year (my senior year) and am worried that I may end up with a C in one of them and a B in another. Will the UCs rescind my acceptance for this C?</p>

<p>No, as long as you maintain a 3.0 unweighted in your a-g courses, and don't get anything lower than a C in any of them.</p>

<p>so it's either/or 3.0/no less than C in any class? is this only for UCs?</p>

<p>sports -- this was posted in the UC general forum so the response relates to the UCs if I'm getting your question right. </p>

<p>One more thing. the 3.0 is per year for most of the UCs, but per semester for Cal and UCLA.</p>

<p>Yupp, as long as you don't drop below a C or 3.0 GPA.
If it hadn't been that way (as in they really looked at Senior Grades in making their choices) I wouldn't have taken these classes:
AP Bio
AP Calc BC
AP Physics:C</p>

<p>Those are the Three hardest classes available at my school (other then AP Foreign Language classes and Math An. Honors). With those classes I expect to get a C in one of them, I can't get all A's and B's while taking those. But because the UC's don't care (unless you get a D or below 3.0), I can take the classes I want as a Senior.</p>

<p>C's are fine, just make sure to keep a 3.0. Don't slack off completely like I did last year and have to beg your teacher for a C so you can go to college.</p>

<p>By the way, I'm talking about getting a C first semester if that makes a difference</p>

<p>It could make a difference if you're applying to Berkeley as I know they have been known to ask for first semester grades. However, a C first semester will make no difference for the rest of the UC's. I'm sure you know which private schools might care as most do require first semester grades.</p>

<p>I got one C both semesters last year and I was fine.</p>

<p>I think a simple rule of thumb for UC's is no D's or F's on your transcript and don't drop below a 3.0 during your senior year.</p>