Cal 2 prep


<p>I just finished Cal 1 over the summer, with an A. To be honest, I feel like I breezed through it too easily, and once we got to integration, I just memorized how to do the problems instead of learning the material.</p>

<p>Everyone tells me that Cal 2 is the hardest pure math class an engineer me prepare for it. Whats specific topics do I need to master before hand?</p>


<p>I’m actually VERY scared of Cal III >.< Cal II wasn’t so bad. Just tons of memorization and integration techniques. </p>

<p>-Integration by parts
-Trig substitution
-Polar Coordinates
-Area between curves, volume (disks, shells, washers method)
-Hyperbolic functions
-Partial Fractions </p>

<p>etc… </p>

<p>I HIGHLY recommend PatrickJMT on youtube for videos. His videos rock esp. with polar coordinates because I didn’t understand why I was doing it wrong in class but his method is easier because you get to see the direction of the graph.</p>

<p>Everything KidNovelist said is correct. It will be the hardest core math class you have to take. Make sure you know how to integrate as the majority of the class is integration. I saw maybe a few differential’s. Calc III is basically calc I but in 3 dimensions.</p>

<p>Btw, I think PatrickJMT’s videos over simplified things. But it will help you nonetheless. I suggest watching his videos and reading the book ahead of time.</p>

<p>yeah patrickjmt does the easy problems that are kinda obvious. he doesn’t go over the difficult types of integration and series that you’ll see in most textbooks. i found that calc2 was a tricky course because its more in depth into integration techniques. calc3 was easy imo because it was parallel to calc1…except in the z-axis.</p>

<p>calc2 in general doesn’t have a lot of concepts to remember. mostly techniques and mechanics. rarely any proofs. if you like techniques in mathematics, you’ll like DE. i did. first time i actually enjoyed a math class. though i did hear that linear algebra was the hardest math class for engineers.</p>

<p>ppl say calc 2 is hard because most ppl slack on memorizing all the trig functions like me. </p>

<p>The integration rules you learn in calc 2 are easy, but if you dont know the trig functions, i wouldnt expect higher than a C+ in the course. You seem like you would do fine.</p>

<p>i found calc 2 easier than calc 1, i really never understood the bad reputation it got.</p>