Cal Grant Question

I am confused by the Cal Grant website and how the system works for freshmen applying to schools and comparing financial packages. My son is eligible for a Cal Grant, we have filed all paperwork and his award shows on the Cal Grant website. But it seems that you can only list 1 college at a time? His Cal Grant will not show up on his Cal Poly SLO financial aid unless we list that school as his #1 choice on the Cal Grant website (that is my understanding, at least).

How do we manage the Cal Grant website so that his Cal Grant shows up on all of the financial aid packages he receives from colleges he has been accepted to? Do they expect you to go in and repeatedly change the school code? UC Riverside included the Cal Grant even though UCSB is listed as his school in the Cal Grant website. Is that because they are both UCs? I can change the school to CPSLO, but then will that mess with the financial aid process for USCB?

You enter in a temporary school for now and then you can change it at a later date once you’ve finalized your decision as to where you wish to attend. The financial aid package you received from the school is only an ESTIMATE based on what you filled out for fafsa, which is why you are seeing UCR include the cal grant funds despite it not being listed.

IE: I had UCSD listed on my cal grant but changed it to another UC once I finalized my decision.

Thank you. But we really need to consider the financial packages in order to make a finalized decision. Cal Poly SLO has no amounts listed for Cal Grant. I assume there would be some, and also assume that the Cal Grant $$ would affect the amount of the University Grant they are offering. But that is a lot of assuming on our part when comparing the affordability of different schools.

I’m sure the UCs will all offer the same amount for the Cal Grant, and the CSUs will offer the same (lower) amount based on the lower tuition of the CSUs. The real question is that once the Cal Grant has been applied to the proper school, how will the other aid offered by that school be affected? I don’t think it’s safe to assume that the Cal Grant will just be added to the package.

UCR offered a University Grant in ADDITION to the Cal Grant. But I’m thinking that Cal Poly might REPLACE the University Grant with the Cal Grant? Even if FA is an estimate, I’d like it to be closer to hard numbers than my guessing, since it could mean a $5K spread in net COA

Don’t have any experience with CSUs but you can call up their SLO’s financial aid office and I’m sure they could do something about it.

From my experience, the financial aid package estimate doesn’t differ much from the finalized package(mine stayed the same). University grants are exclusive to UCs(someone correct me if I’m wrong, please), so it’s completely unrelated to Cal poly.

More info on University Grant:
"A variety of university grants are awarded to undergraduates who have grant eligibility according to the UC Education Financing Model. University grant funds are limited and awarded to eligible students based on their need and their FAFSA or Dream Act application filing date (priority deadline is March 2). Students must also continue to meet all funding criteria and ensure that any required documentation is completed and submitted in a timely manner. Awards are based on availability of funding at the time a student’s completed file is processed. This includes awards covered by the UC Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan. University grant funding is not available to cover nonresident supplemental tuition. If you receive additional gift aid, your University Grant award may be reduced. "

@calmom2016 – Maybe, I can help you get an idea on what you will get from them (already received aid package estimate from CPSlo). Are you Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B ?

@1andonly - he is eligible for both A & B, although I understand they will award one or the other, depending on which is more beneficial ?

Okay, same here (yes you get only A or B, not both). My D was given Cal B at SLO and they are giving her a school grant to cover the difference between B and A for the first yr. As I understand it, schools will make sure you receive the Cal award that benefits you most at ‘their’ school.

Thank you! That’s very helpful. It looks like the UCs are actually less expensive than the CSUs for low income students in many cases. Although Cal Poly SLO might be worth it to my son. At least now we have the info to compare fairly.