<p>Hello. I am a resident of Oregon who wants to go to Cal, and I was wondering what SAT i would need. I speak three languages fluently, hopefully two more by grad, full IB, founded an organization for helping latinos with homework because of language barrior, class prez, NHS, etc.
Thank you!
Oh, I am a latino as well. Not that it would matter, and my brother is at UCLA, i don't know if that helps the UC system give me a better chance? Maybe? Probably not.</p>
<p>Do you mean what SAT score you need? Most scores of Cal admits lie in the 2000-2200 range. However, your SAT score can also be lower if your GPA makes up for it (4.4+ GPA) because Cal admissions seem to emphasize GPA over everything else anyway.</p>
<p>*Oh wait, I didn’t notice you were OOS. Well I stand by what I said but you would probably need a pretty high SAT score.</p>
<p>grreat! I’m screwed!</p>
<p>No you are not. Try the best you can on you’re SAT’s and then apply not matter what. One person on my floor got a 2350 and that is not in the range, but oh wait my friend got a 1720 and I bet other people got much lower than that. Most does not mean all. SAT’s are important but they by far are NOT a factor that will get somebody rejected.</p>
<p>yeah but i bet you that guy who got a 1720 is in state residence. I don’t have that</p>
<p>am i right? w/ ten char.</p>
<p>you are NOT screwed. one thing to remember is that unlike the rest of the UCs, UCB and UCLA review applicants <em>holistically</em>. In other words, they look at things other than just GPA and SAT. B/c seriously, there are a lot of kids out there with 4.0+ GPAs and high SAT scores. Not all of them are the perfect fit or at all smart.</p>
<p>So, practice practice practice for your SAT. Try the ACT while you’re at it. Do your best in school, and develop passion for certain subjects and activities.</p>
<p>It’s the whole application, not just one number that gets you in. If your brother got into UCLA and you have similar stats, then you probably have a shot at Cal. And, it isn’t always the GPA that is more highly valued by the UC’s: one of my kids was admitted to UCLA, Cal, and other UC’s with high SAT’s and an average (for Cal) GPA. Good luck.</p>
<p>ha. well… here’s the story my brother got rejected at Cal but in at UCLA. I dunno, I mean I am good at some subjects( languages) but i dunno. i literally have never gotten an A in Math. EVER! But I am in AP Spanish and AP French and hope to be taking Chinese at U of O. and i’m starting japanese. I am really not trying to sound like an overachieving d-bag, but i love languages. Oh, and I also started a program that should help bridge the achievement gap. I dunno though, what SAT do you guys think i’d need to have a chance? Oh! and i am really confused if I wanna say that i wanna do spanish as my major or business. Is it easy to change majors?</p>
<p>No one is admitted as a business major at Cal: students apply as sophomores to the Haas Business school. It is tough to get admitted to that program and you are only allowed to apply one time. So go for the Spanish major or go in undeclared as a Letters and Science candidate. If you are a junior and still have not applied, then make sure your personal statement lets them know you would be a good fit at Berkeley.</p>
<p>wait what?! you could go to cal and , in theory, you could do two years and then not be admitted to the business school and you just wasted two years? so i’d be forced to quit business.</p>
<p>Then you could take economics. They end up with similar jobs and salaries according to this:</p>
<p>[Career</a> Center - What Can I Do With a Major In…?](<a href=“http://career.berkeley.edu/Major2006/Econ.stm]Career”>http://career.berkeley.edu/Major2006/Econ.stm)</p>
<p>ooh okay. yeah that works, and i can see that.</p>
<p>hey man, I’m from Oregon too! yes, practice and practice for your SAT as most of newly admitted students to Cal have scores of 2000-2300 or something. And it looks like you’ve had quite a good load of experience in terms of community service, etc so I’d say you have chance.
And yes, I did practice like hell for SAT until achieving satisfying score.</p>
<p>^^ how much time did you spend? and no way? where are you from? are you near u of o?</p>
<p>^^ oh no way? what city are you in? anyway, how much did you study, and what did you end up gettting?</p>
<p>When it comes to characterizing or generalizing the SAT scores of kids at Berkeley, you simply can’t do it. I know kids from my school who got 2300+, but I’ve met people here who barely cracked 1800. I do know that the <em>average</em> SAT every year hovers around the mid-1900s. That being said, it’s always an uphill battle applying out of state. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but the UC system is by nature a public school system designed and intended for California students. It’s no coincidence the OOS rate is quite low.</p>
<p>joy. well i hope to get a 1900+, and if i get that i’ll apply and truly hope for the best.</p>
<p>i noticed the app asked for the best single sitting but since they get all your scores do these averages come from superscoring… hoping, hoping…lol
i bombed writing the first time i took it but then went up 110 points on it… stupid writing section</p>
<p>^^ haha. that’s the only section i do well in.</p>