Cal Major

Hi there!

So I’ve been accepted to Cal, but on my letter it simply states that I’ve been admitted to the College of Letters and Science and does not say my major. Where do I find which major I’ve been admitted to?

Admission to the College of Letters and Science means that you enter as an undeclared student.

Your other threads indicate that you are strong in math (multivariable calculus while in high school) and want to do pre-med as a biology major. Note that no specific major is required to do pre-med, as long as you do the pre-med courses. If you prefer math, you can major in math while taking the additional pre-med courses alongside.

None of molecular and cell biology, integrative biology, math, or applied math is currently a restricted major.

Because you have already taken multivariable calculus, if you want to major in biology, you should ask the department what math you should take, because MATH 10A and 10B for biology majors are single variable calculus with some other topics like statistics mixed in.

@ucbalumnus So do all of those who are admitted enter as an undeclared student? For example, does everyone admitted to the College of Engineering enter as an undeclared engineering student at the same time everyone admitted to L&S enters as undeclared? Are you saying that you choose your major within the school you are admitted to when you begin attending Cal?

College of Engineering students enter in the majors that they applied for, except for those who specifically applied to College of Engineering undeclared.

College of Letters and Science students declare their majors after completing the prerequisites for their majors. A few majors are restricted or capped-enrollment majors which require a prerequisite GPA higher than 2.0 to declare (e.g. economics, psychology, computer science, statistics, art practice).

@ucbalumnus I see! That clears up so much! I put MCB on my application (pretty sure I’m remembering right, too lazy to check) so I was worried when I didn’t see my major anywhere. Thank you very much for your help!