Cal Poly Acceptances?

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to see if anyone knows whether or not all of the acceptances for Cal Poly have gone out yet? A bunch of people from my school (I live in the Bay Area) got waitlisted and a few have gotten in, but there are still a whole bunch of us that haven’t heard anything back.

Just want to make sure that there’s a possibility that I could be accepted, and that I’m not just waiting on a rejection.


Admissions states that acceptances are still coming out. If you go by past year’s history, only a few more acceptances will probably trickle out. Again, this year is not typical in comparison from past years so it is anyone’s guess. If you have not heard about an acceptance or waitlist by next week, then chances are slim which is my prediction. Hopefully SLO will prove me wrong.

No one knows anything for sure. You can’t really use last year’s data as an example because admissions messed up big time last year and I doubt they’ll make the same mistake again.

@needstoremember @Gumbymom Thank you both for your replies! I was looking at the other thread in the forum that has a general list of when acceptances are to go out for schools, and someone said that more than likely all of Cal Poly’s acceptances have gone out, so I’m not expecting much at this point. I haven’t heard of anyone getting rejections yet, so maybe my email will come this week telling me to check my portal and when I open it I’ll be rejected, along with the thousands of other kids waiting to hear back from this school.

I got into Davis on Friday, so I won’t be too mad if I don’t get into Cal Poly, but I will definitely be disappointed.

Thank you again for your replies!

All my son’s friends that have applied to Cal Poly have heard at this point (all acceptances or waitlisted), so I’m thinking that my son’s chances are slim. :-((

@Schlep Freshman rejections came out on portal this afternoon if you want to check

Ah ha. You were right.

My son received this message in his portal today… “Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your application for admission to Cal Poly. We regret we are unable to offer you admission due to the extremely limited number of openings available.” Disappointed! For anyone who applied to Cal Poly Pomona and is still waiting to hear: I spoke to someone in Admissions this afternoon, and I was told that they are still sending out decisions. It doesn’t mean anything if you haven’t heard yet. They are processing applications in batches and will release decisions as they are processed. There is still hope for CPP applicants. Decisions will continue to be released through April, possibly even May 1st. Good luck, everyone!

rejections came out today

I heard rejections came out today also. I have checked a few times and my daughters is still under review. Also waiting on SDSU.

@SBMamaBear All colleges have to give you a decision by April 1 because the student is allowed 30 days to decide on the decision by May 1st. The student gets at least 30 days to decide which college to pick.