
Has anyone heard from Cal Poly yet concerning a rejection? I know that a numerous amount of acceptances and waitlist notifications have gone out already to prospective students, though there are also many students like myself who haven’t heard anything back yet; and since we’re all assuming the worst, I wanted to know if anyone has actually received a rejection, or alternatively, if anyone knows when we can expect rejections?

It’s EXTREMELY frustrating not hearing anything for one whole week after majority of the prospective students heard back from the school. In my opinion, it would be a disgusting and disgraceful practice/policy for Cal Poly to just sit on sending out rejections to students who have not only been waiting anxiously for an update, but also have had to sit through hearing about other people get in; something that they would have to seriously consider next time around for admissions.

Though, that’s just my two cents. I know that there is a SLIGHT chance that people could still be admitted, but I think this late in the month after they’ve already given out a lot of their admissions decisions, that it is simply not something that would be possible for me and my peers; so that’s why I wanted to ask if anyone had received any word about a rejection or heard of anyone getting rejected.

Thank you all in advance. Best of luck to all of you still waiting on decisions from other schools, and congratulations if you made the cut for this school!

@eaglescout2018 Historically Cal Poly sends out their denials together once all the acceptances/waitlisted have gone out. The transfer student’s are the only ones that have not gone out yet because there was a glitch in the computer system that wiped out some of their supplement apps causing a delay. Cal Poly has sent those transfer students an email allowing them to resubmit their required supplement. The deadline for that was yesterday, so the transfer decisions should be coming out soon. You can view this on the CC Transfer Thread. Once the transfer students are notified of acceptances/waitlisted then all denials will go out. I agree that this is a painful realization and I dislike the way CP does this, but this is how they have done it for many, many years for whatever reasons. The admission’s office will not come out and tell you this. I am sorry to say that if I were you, I would look towards your other college options.

One thing is for certain: last year’s over-enrollment (800 students too many!) has caused a ripple effect through this year’s admissions process. It is impossible to know at this point just how CP is trying to utilize the waitlist: Are they putting more people on the waitlist than they have in the past, with the intention of later offering a spot to a higher percentage than they have historically? It is possible but we can’t tell from our perspective here and now.

I’m remaining hopeful that a high number of waitlisted students will be offered a spot later because CP won’t dare to even chance over-enrollment again. They are surely now beginning to hear back from students declining because they’ve decided to go elsewhere and a lot of students are sitting on their decision until THEY hear back from all the colleges they’ve applied to. Once those are received and tallied (by May 1), CP will know how many spots they have to offer to the waitlisted students and those offers will start rolling out.

I guess we won’t really know how this is going to unfold until May 15, when CP is pledging to notify waitlisted people of their status. This is why they call it Waitlist Purgatory. UGH

@BioShucks but Eaglescout2018 has not even been waitlisted, so their situation is different than yours.

Just got denied today so they are coming out now

@CentralCoaster Oh my bad. Sorry I jumped to a conclusion there! Yikes

Denied today too :frowning:

Wow, when I said soon I didn’t mean like right now. Good luck to those who got denied. I’m sure you will do great things at wherever you go!