Cal Poly compared to other UCs/CSUs

<p>Is Cal Poly SLO a good school for Business considering internship opportunities and overall reputation? </p>

<p>How does it compare to other CSUs (is it the best one?) or the UCs such as Irvine, Santa Barbara, Davis, Riverside...and etc. in the field of business?</p>

<p>It definately isn’t better than UCLA, UC-Berkeley, UC-Davis and UC-Irvine</p>

<p>Forbes list of Top Public Colleges for Getting Rich rankings are as follows:</p>

<pre><code>1. UC Berkely
2. U of Virginia

<p>tie 3. UCLA
tie 3. Cal Poly SLO
tie 3. UC San Diego
6. UC Davis
7. U of Colorado, Boulder
8. UC Irvine
tie 9. U of Illinois
tie 9. Texas A & M Univ</p>

<p>[In</a> Pictures: Top Public Colleges For Getting Rich -](<a href=“In Pictures: Top Public Colleges For Getting Rich”>In Pictures: Top Public Colleges For Getting Rich)</p>

<p>that ranking says a lot actually, thanks for that. </p>

<p>as days pass, I become more determined on Cal Poly.</p>

<p>no michigan?</p>

<p>Michigan is tied for No. 17. Here’s the rest of the Forbes list.</p>

<p>11.State U of NY, Binghamton
12. Missouri Univ of Science and Technology
13. San Jose State Univ
tie 14. UC Santa Barbara
tie 14. U of Maryland, College Park
16. U of Texas, Austin
tie 17. U of Michigan
tie 17. State U of NY , Stony Brook
19. State U of NY, Albany
20. Rutgers</p>