Cal Poly Pomona Fall 2017 Transfer Thread

@MysteryNoodle I believe deadline to register for orientation was June 1st unless they gave you a different date.

@futureSLOgrad ummmmm when did they give a deadline? (uh oh)

EDIT: oh shit i just saw the date in the website. AHHGG

EDIT 2: ok so I called them and they put me on a list of students who need a date and there will be no consequences bc I contacted them asap. WOOP

@Neeman123 @purplesuede23
I haven’t been accepted or rejected off the waitlist yet either. Been in limbo this whole time. Already registered for classes at csusb though.

@Neeman123 @socaldogmom Today I was formally rejected. I will apply again for the winter quarter.

@Neeman123 @purplesuede23
I was officially rejected today too. Will be attending csusb this fall

For those people that who were rejected off the waitlist , what majors did you apply with?
I’m still on the waitlist for computer science
gpa of 3.1

Officially DENIED admission to the Business Admin Tech and Ops Mgmt program.

I didn’t expect much because they never even asked me for any of my 5 transcripts, especially the last 44 units from Fullerton College where I earned two AA’s in Business Admin and Econimics at a 4.0 GPA. All my previous work of 33 units that I completed over 25 years ago was for Computer Science and Mathematics at a 1.9 GPA.

Though I was accepted into Cal State Fullerton’s Business Program and have already SIR’d, I was curious to see if I would be accepted off the waitlist to CPP.

I believe the reason is that I didn’t work with the Transfer Center on my application with reporting courses and overall GPA. According to my FCC records, my institution GPA was 4.0, but the additional 33 transfer credits from the ofther 4 colleges brought my overall GPA to a 2.89 which is what I reported on my application (at the time of the application, I had only completed 27 instiutional credtis at a 4.0 from FCC). Now, according to CSUF’s transfer audit, my overall GPA was 3.2 from the same reported credits, not including the A’s I received for last 17 units I just completed from both fall and spring semesters, including my last Golden Four. Additionally, some courses did not transfer for credit. I made the same mistake I did over 25 years ago… I tried to figure out the college processes myself instead of asking for help, which is one of the reasons I failed in college so long ago.

THIS IS GOOD ADVICE FOR ALL TRANSFER STUDENTS: work with your CC Transfer Center on your application. They are experts at this and know the IN’s and OUT’s of the process. They will help assure your application represents you accurately. Make the time to meet with them and don’t feel foolish or embarrassed to ask for help like I was. You need to get over that personal obstacle so that you can continue to grow and become an expert at whatever it is you’re attending college for in the first place. Work with the other experts and use every service and asset to your advantage. This becomes vital in the workplace throughout your career. Start now.


Over and Out… :-h

Guys has anyone faced this problem: I went into my transfer credit report and it’s empty…I need to take that to the orientation but there’s nothing there

I don’t have anything on mine either @futureSLOgrad

@futureSLOgrad I also have that issue and on top of that I seem to be missing my pre-orientation modules on Blackboard! My orientation is on July 17th and the blackboard modules are due by July 10th. I’m starting to worry.

Edit: Hey guys don’t worry I called them right now. They said the blackboard modules are down and it should be up if not by the end of today then it should be by tomorrow. Also don’t worry about the transfer credit report they said it will be updated before your orientation date.

@alwaysbored123 I called this morning before seeing this post and they told me the same thing. They said people who had their orientation for 17-18 had that same issue and that the blackboard quizzes would be up soon. The registrar said that the transfer credit report should be up by the 14th and if not then to take your unofficial or official transcripts. They saw on their computer that they recieved the transcript but haven’t made a space for them on the bronco direct? …something along those lines

Has anyone else who sent in their transcripts still have “official college transcript” due? I sent mine the 21St and I’m starting to worry

Yeah, I called awhile back and admissions said it’s because they still haven’t gone through all of the records yet. If you have documentation stating that the college received the documents before the due date then everything should be fine.

Anyone attending orientation tomorrow?

Also I’m having trouble with my major because they accepted me for a major that I didnt apply for…does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

Waa anyone asked to send in their transcripts at the emd of their spring Qtr? I was only asked in April and not again

Yeah, sent them in before the due date of June 30th. Haven’t heard anything back still appears in my To do list.

@o0mechanix0o That request never apeared in my To Do list

Very strange, have you called admissions to ask? They did tell me that they were behind.

@o0mechanix0o I have to call Monday because Friday they were closed. It’s weird though because other things showed on my To Do list which shows it’s working. Are you going to be attending Pomona?

Yeah, I dont know because for me that’s the only thing that has shown since the last weeks of my spring semester.