Cal Poly Pomona Official Thread Class of 2027

I’m happy to say that my son SIR’d to CPP for CE (Environmental focus) yesterday. We visited the campus and both really liked it. Lots of open lawn spaces with trees, lawn chairs for hanging out in, new dorms, dining hall and Rec center, a pool for cooling off (separate from the lap pool), beautiful views of the mountains which are snowy right now, and so on.

It’s right next to the freeway but on most of the campus we couldn’t hear it at all. The biggest downside we heard over and over is that it’s a commuter school so it empties out in the evening and weekends. But everyone also said that if you get involved and join clubs etc you can have a great social life.

So I would definitely say don’t just judge it by its location or how it looks on a map. My friend called it a “hidden gem” and now I see why. My son is excited and I’m really happy for him!


We’re down to CPP vs. CSUF! Hope Jr. can make up his mind after admitted students day on the 15th (for both schools arrgh)


We too accepted last week. My son is going to be in Physics program we are from Oakland. Yes it is a lovely campus and I too have read if you ‘get involved it is great to live on campus. We all loved it and the gym and green spaces are fab.


How was Admitted Students Day? We weren’t able to make it since we live in Nor Cal and were just there a week ago.

Anyone get of the waitlist for pomona yet ?

It was well attended and useful. We did a tour of computer engineering department and labs, attended an out of state luncheon, ate at the dining hall. Enrollment deposit paid!


Is the number admitted from waitlist based on who ends up enrolling or who gets an offer? Thanks

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The number admitted off the waitlist is the # of offers. The number enrolled is not disclosed but those students are eventually added to the total number of enrolled Freshman in the Fall statistics.

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See you in the fall

Waitlists are coming through. My son was just accepted about 30mins ago.
Anyone waiting, keep an eye out to emails. Good Luck round #2


I just got off wailist for cpp civil engineering


My son was just accepted off the waitlist for Computer Science. For anyone considering the offer will you revisit the campus? My son is committed to CSU San Marcos but we’re thinking about going to visit CPP tomorrow to help him make his decision.


my son is committed to Fresno State, he is animal science major.
Fresno has a better ranked program than CPP but we will head over Thursday so he feels that he gave everything a good review just in case.
He is on SLO waitlist, which I think is what he is truly waiting for.


Congrats to everyone who got off waitlist. My daughter just got accepted off waitlist for animal science (wants to be a vet). At this point not sure if she will go to Pomona…lots to consider over the next few days.


My daughter also just got notified that she was accepted for cpp civil engineering (previously on wait list).


Does anyone know if students admitted off waitlist are guaranteed housing?


From the tour and orientation, yes freshman are guaranteed housing. I will be headed there on Thursday and will ask that question.
My son is also Animal Science pre -vet who also just got off the waitlist.
Where is your D committed to?


Congratulations to your son! We are also planning to drive up from Orange County Thursday, early afternoon. Right now she is committed to Long Beach. How about your son?

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He is committed to Fresno State. He wanted to be somewhere with a farm.
He applied at the CalPolys and Fresno.

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I definitely recommend visiting the campus. It is much nicer than you would think just looking at its location on a map. And the dorms, dining hall, and rec center are fab. It’s really a hidden gem.

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