Cal Poly Regular Decision Thread 2016-2017

Thanks for the update @luckymom22 . You are lucky. we’re still waiting for D to make her decision.


@toastiecheez OMG!! Congrats-that is the best news! Seriously, so happy for you. Now you don’t have to take a year off.

@toastiecheez Congrats.I got in for computer engineering

@eyemgh. Your insight on Cal Poly SLO MCA has been very helpful- thank you! My S wants to go to SLO for ME. He is trying to maximize his rigor bonus points. His will be a senior next year and he will have 5 years of math, 4 years of lab sciences, 4 years English, 3 years of Foreign Language and 2 years visual arts. I calculate his rigor bonus points to 800. I read that the maximum is 750 but also found an old PowerPoint that shows 950 with no mention of a capped number. Can you confirm the max for the rigor bonus points? Unfortunately his summer is booked (working full time) and his schedule will not allow him to take another foreign language or English class. thank you!

Assuming the MCA is still the same with the elimination of ED, rigor is capped at 750. I haven’t seen anything to suggest otherwise. Low hanging fruit is leadership in an EC. Good luck.

The latest publicly available MCA capped rigor at 750. I can’t swear it’s that way now, but it likely is. Good luck

I would also make sure those test scores are high. 32 on the ACT for example and outstanding grades of course.

32 is not high for ME. In fact, 33 is the current average for the whole CENG. But, yes, as high as possible. They are still possibly influenceable where as GPA isn’t. Low hanging fruit is a leadership role in an EC.

@eyemgh @mustangmom2o21 thx! My S ACT superscore is 34.5 (33 E, 36M). ECs and leadership are decent. I called Poly’s admissions today and they will neither confirm or deny using a MCA scoring system nor a cap for class rigor. They only referred me to the Freshmen Profile table and said you will be compared against your peers on a per subject basis.

@Jedimom, he’ll be fine. Make sure he remembers to include the math he did in middle school that’s applicable (typically Algebra and Geometry) on his application. That snags some applicants who don’t carefully read the directions and then they get rejected because it looks like their rigor is lower than it really is. As they say on tests…RTFQ…Read The Question. :smiley:

@eyemgh. Thx again

What would my chances look like if I apply to SLO for business and will have all my prereqs done by the end of Fall 2017 except for a communications course of the golden 4? I will be applying this fall and I have All A’s in the prereqs so far (macro, financial accounting, stats, english comp.) i will take Critical thinking this summer and for Fall I’ll be taking business law 1, managerial acc, micro, and biz calc and com this winter. I go to a CC in Riverside county (soCal) my overall csu GPA is around 3.6 - 3.7 but it was 3.4 before this spring semester so it improved. The thing is if my chances look slim, I’ll have to take the regular calc series and apply to UCI for econ along with other UC’s for econ. So it would be nice if any of you guys can give me aome insight. I know not being local is a huge disadvantage, but stull inight would be nice

@Mani98, start a new thread and you’ll get better input. Just cut and past this post.

Alright thanks. @eyemgh

@momzof3 Recently made the same mistake :confused: did your sons happen to get in? or anyone who happened to omit 8th grade math for that matter?

GPA:3.66 UW/ 3.94 W
SAT: 1410 (ER:630, M:780)
In State