<p>I would really like to know if they have a figure skating team, so far I’ve been unable to find one. If not, is there at least at least an ice rink near there? I just got in for engineering, but I don’t want to be too far from the ice. :P</p>
<p>Ah, no. Not even hockey.</p>
<p>:( How far is the closest ice rink? More or less than twenty minutes?</p>
<p>Probably Fresno or San Jose…both a couple of hours away. Poly has a roller hockey club team that practices and plays in Santa Maria…about 40 minutes away.</p>
<p>Check out Santa Barbara.</p>
<p>I don’t want roller hockey. Oh dear, I don’t want to go too far from an ice rink.
And UC Santa Barbra doesn’t have my major so I didn’t apply. Okay thanks anyhow everyone.</p>
<p>I wanna do speed skating while in college, but there’s no skating rinks by CalPoly, oh well. I don’t think you should decide not to go to a good school just because they don’t have a skating rink or something.</p>
<p>xximanoobxx that would be right if I were just planning to do skating in college, but skating is a big part of my life and I can’t even begin to imagine not doing it in six months. I’m really worried, I just want to do both engineering and skating <em>sigh</em>. Can’t I just get accepted somewhere with both?!</p>
<p>yeah but Santa Barbara is only like 1 hour and half away…so worst comes to worst you could commute!</p>
<p>There are no ice rinks in Santa Barbara…they have to go to Oxnard for ice.</p>
<p>If anyone can get a mapquest link of the nearest ice rink to SLO I would love it, I tried myself and couldn’t find one closer than LA. D: And that’s far.</p>
<p>I did a search and there is a place called “Blades on Ice” on Conejo Road about 16 miles away from SLO
I don’t know info about it but I typed in “ice skating” and that popped up
Hopefully everything works out!</p>
<p>I live in SLO and my son has played roller hockey for 8 years. There are no ice rinks close to town. Blades on Ice is an electric contractor in Atascadero. My son’s friends that decided to play ice hockey commuted to Fresno and played here <a href=“http://www.gatewayicecenter.com/[/url]”>http://www.gatewayicecenter.com/</a>
Santa Barbara has been trying to get a center built for years but is short of funding. San Jose is the next closest to SLO. Here is a link listing all CA ice rinks. [California</a> Ice Skating Rinks, Ice Skate California, Ice Centers](<a href=“Total Escape California Spring Wildflower Road Trips CA”>California Ice Skating Rinks, Ice Skate California Ice Centers, Winter Ice Rink CA)</p>
<p>Oops, sorry for the bad info
Hopefully a ice skating rink will be built soon though!</p>
<p>figuresk8ting. I know what you feel. My older brother is a figure skater(15 years) and he skates everyday, and can’t live without it. He’s not in college though.</p>
<p>Thanks slodad, I was hoping there was a closer one. Its over 2 hours away!
And yeah, figure skating is something you can’t imagine going without, once you really get into it. Ah well, I’ll just wait it out and see where else I get in.
Thanks for the answers everyone!</p>
<p>Who have you been rooting for at the Olympics? I’m glad Evan Lysacek won Gold. I sure do miss some of the skaters of the past, though. I really enjoyed Ekaterina Gordeeva & Sergei Grinkov. So sad about him dying so young. Loved Kristi Yamaguchi and Michelle Kwan. Oh, and I definitely loved the early '90s drama of Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding. And, back in the '60s and '70s it was all about Peggy Fleming and Dorothy Hamill.</p>
<p>Good Luck finding ice!!!</p>
<p>I’m sure glad that was relevant to ice skating rinks in SLO, 2Leashes.</p>
<p>Sorry to have annoyed you, Zungra. Your sarcasm was more than evident. I was simply trying to be friendly since the topic was figure skating and it just so happens to be relevent with the Winter Olympics going on now. Please accept my apology.
<p>Zungra wrote:</p>
<p>I'm sure glad that was relevant to ice skating rinks in SLO, 2Leashes.</p>